
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 02:50:25


期中考试和期末考试一样重要,有时还意义非凡.考好了,心里甜滋滋的 ,随之而来的是老师的赞扬、同学们的羡慕和父母的喜悦;考得不好,老师会失望,父母会生气,还可能会面对同学轻视得眼光和讥讽的话语.以我微薄之见,考好则已,考不好也别灰心,如果上要考虑长辈的夸奖,下要考虑同学的冷嘲热讽,则必败无疑.考好不骄,考不好不气馁,以平平和和的心态应考,反而能考好.但是,说到容易,做到却难.
Midterm and final exams, sometimes as important as special. Test good, the in the mind of TianZiZi, followed by the teacher's praise and classmates envy and parents' joy, Do well on the test, the teacher will be disappointed, parents will be angry, could face classmate contempt to view and sarcasm discourse. I saw the meager, test good rains don't get upset to do well on the exam, if want to consider the elder complimented, under the sneering, want to consider students are not succeed. Test very arrogant, do well on the exam not discouraged, to go in and mentality, but can qualify pass well. But, speaking of easy, but difficult to achieve.
Take the mid-term exam to say. I am holding test two hundred points of confidence to qualify. From morning till night, examination, after very tired and worry, time seems to stand still, seems like a year, test good and do well on the exam these two words in the heart fight, evening sleep sleep to feel better.
I'm nervous as have a heart of a few small rabbit, can clearly feel their heartbeat rhythm.
1. The exam enlightenment
And an exam is over. Every examination will get a lessons or some experience, the examination I get revelation: negligence always exist.
Take an examination of mathematics, feeling quite nice, examination paper is very simple, topic topic smoothly, then conscientious checked again, make sure all right after heart still have a hope: math exams full marks.
Leave the room, examination after the full hope from me closer. I boldly and schoolmate to answer questions concerning correctly. See some classmates because of the answer found the wrong topic and depressed, chagrin, my heart secretly think: all right feeling is good, I'm glad when the exam questions, and earnestly finish after carefully checked, that day at the time, I was unprecedented happy.
But before long, this special happy, but into my unprecedented sorrow and despair.
"The picture I painted huge." I slightly happily say.
"No, it is good, is not big.
I got a fright, am I draw the wrong? Impossible, this picture I painted it twice? Should be each other mistaken, or are a person feel the difference, let me so comforting? Myself. But the heart still very disturbing.
I have not dare to go to confidently answer, but unknowingly but again heard another group of people with reported that makes me uneasy answers. I was dumbfounded, really I am wrong, indeed as expected is that I was wrong! I should give diagram and the text see fork! I didn't check out! Thousand calculate million, or neglect is one place! The full hope like a bubble immediately by heart shattered. Three points so quietly from my test paper darts away. Three points, for it is so easy to test how big loss ah!
So, I regret for a whole afternoon.
This is negligence, how to avoid it. But because the rankings by four courses total score calculation, and other subjects results finally did not fail my efforts. Then revelation -enhanced can thus be: learning needs all-round development. Maybe because other aspects of the excellent and raise the overall. Of course, if will neglect to minimize, also try my best to improve other subjects, the overall excellence will be greatly improved. Therefore, all-round development is very important.
Generally speaking, negligence cannot avoid, but can try to reduce, and overall development and can remedy neglect a shortcut.