
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 13:23:10


Susan Butcher On The Iditarod Trail
An hour into the race,Susan Butcher and her sled dog team speeded dowm a hill,skidded off the trail,and crashed into a fallen tree.With a hurt shoulder ,Susan untangled her sled and team of Alaskan husky dogs and continued the grueling race across the frozen Alsakan wilderness.It was the fourth year she had run this race,known as the lditarod,and she wanted very much to win it.
The history of the lditarod goes back to 1925 when a doctor in Nome,Alaskan,was desperately in need of medicine to stop the spread of a deadly disease called diphtheria.Only a hospital in Anchorage ,700miles away ,had the supplies he needed.But it was January,too dangerous to send a boat across the frozen Bering Sea and too stormy for his tiny airplane .The only hope was to use sled dog teames following an old native trail through the mountains and tundra .The medicine was passed from one man and his sled team to another along the trail .It was named lditarod after and temperatures as cold as 60 degrees below zero ,did not stop them ,and the midicine was delivered in record time.Most of the lditarod Trail Sled Dog Race follows the route of the famous medicine run.It is over 1000 miles long,and is considered the toughest race in the world ,In 1978 Susan entered it for the first time .

An hour into the race, Susan Butcher and her sled dog team speeded dowm a hill, skidded off the trail,and crashed into a fallen tree.With a hurt shoulder ,Susan untangled her sled and t...


An hour into the race, Susan Butcher and her sled dog team speeded dowm a hill, skidded off the trail,and crashed into a fallen tree.With a hurt shoulder ,Susan untangled her sled and team of Alaskan husky dogs and continued the grueling race across the frozen Alsakan wilderness.It was the fourth year she had run this race,known as the lditarod,and she wanted very much to win it.
The history of the lditarod goes back to 1925 when a doctor in Nome,Alaskan,was desperately in need of medicine to stop the spread of a deadly disease called diphtheria.Only a hospital in Anchorage ,700miles away ,had the supplies he needed.But it was January,too dangerous to send a boat across the frozen Bering Sea and too stormy for his tiny airplane .The only hope was to use sled dog teames following an old native trail through the mountains and tundra .The medicine was passed from one man and his sled team to another along the trail .It was named lditarod after and temperatures as cold as 60 degrees below zero ,did not stop them ,and the midicine was delivered in record time.Most of the lditarod Trail Sled Dog Race follows the route of the famous medicine run.It is over 1000 miles long,and is considered the toughest race in the world ,In 1978 Susan entered it for the first time .


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