
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 10:54:40


assume that

其实这得看你句子表达的是什么意思啦啊 看语境

assume位于句子开头,引导that从句时,用什么形式 I have to assume beyond any doubts that. ..这个that引导的是宾语从句还是同位语从句 为什么. contrary to what many people might assume,evidence shows that sharks seldom attack humans本句中包含两个--------从句,请分别在句中划线并标出各做什么成分?seldom位于句首是句子必须--------.请给出例句. so that引导的是什么句子? 句子中间有that引导是什么句型? 开头是Why do we always assume that a good student is one that gets really good 的完型 定语从句和同位语从句里面,有没有必须紧跟在修饰的词后的如果一个复杂的复合句中有时间或者地点状从,而that或者which引导的同位或定从又位于句子最后,或者是句首,句末逗号隔离,那同位 句子翻译解释,the mistake people make is to assume that wars are caused by themmake 是动词吗?is to assume 怎么解释?谢谢! so..(adj.)..that句子中 that 引导的是什么从句? assume that可以引导定从吗?什么时候that可以省略? 请分析一个英语句子的成分,:The default you should assume for other peopl's work is that they 如何把句子改为so that引导的状语从句 what is said is that中what引导什么句子? so that 引导的从句只可位于主句后吗 定语从句there is 与that的区别一、6.主句以There be…开头,先行词为物时常用that引导定语从句.Eg.There is a room in the building that is still free.三、4.在以There be…开头,先行词为人的句子中,常用who引导 为什么所有的定语从句子不能用that引导举个例子:The passengers who had to be transferred to anther plane were still waiting.为什么不能用that 引导? as 引导让步状语从句位于句首时,句子要倒装吗?