下面两个条件句的区别if it rains tomorrowi,I will not go out .和if it rained tomorrow ,i would not go out.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 05:53:03

下面两个条件句的区别if it rains tomorrowi,I will not go out .和if it rained tomorrow ,i would not go out.
if it rains tomorrowi,I will not go out .和if it rained tomorrow ,i would not go out.

下面两个条件句的区别if it rains tomorrowi,I will not go out .和if it rained tomorrow ,i would not go out.


下面两个条件句的区别if it rains tomorrowi,I will not go out .和if it rained tomorrow ,i would not go out. 搞不清虚拟语气和条件状语的区别.我搞不懂这两者的区别,我曾经看到过这两个句子1:If it were to rain tomorrow,the football match would be put off.2:If it rains tomorrow,the football match will be put off.这两个句 关于条件状语和虚拟语气的问题,请问下面两句话有什么区别If it rains tomorrow ,we will not go out.If it were to rain tomorrow ,we would not go out.我知道第二句是虚拟语气,但不知道在表达上有什么差别,什么 英语虚拟条件句的倒装问题Were it to rain,the crops would be saved.Should it rain,the crops would be saves.这两句话 为什么从句中一个有to 一个没有to,区别在哪里?如果改成非倒装的形式,If it were to rain,the crops If it will rain...这句算是条件句还是虚拟语气? 一句英语(if引导的条件句)It's OK if you're not on time.1.我印像中if引导的条件句不是从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时吗?比如:If it doesn't rain,I will go there tomorrow.2.这句可以改为It will be OK if 关于if条件句的问题..1,let's go fishing if it ___this weekend.But nobody knows if it __.A is fine,will rain B will be fine,rainsC is fine,rains D will be fine,will rain选什么,为什么,2,Dose it matter if I have a look at your photo?这句 关于if条件句的问题.1,let's go fishing if it ___this weekend.But nobody knows if it __.A is fine,will rain B will be fine,rainsC is fine,rains D will be fine,will rain选什么,为什么,解释.2,Dose it matter if I have a look at your 和虚拟语气有关的两个问题1.If it __ now,we __ not go out.A.rained;will B.rained;would C.rains;would D.rain;should如果C项改为“rains;will”,我认为这样就变成真实条件句了,也是正确的,这样理解可以吗?2.If I __ fr 虚拟语气与if条件句的区别 虚拟语气和if条件状语从句的区别比如说.I'll go there with you if it doesn't rain tomorrow.(为什么这里要用主将从现!)但是.If it should rain tomorrow,I would stay at home.(为什么这里又虚拟了?) it seems that 和 it seems as if的区别It seems that it is going to rain 和It seems as if it is going to rain 有什么区别吗? if it rains tomorrow,if it will rain tomorrow?什么区别有什么区别,什么用法 this weeked if it doesn't rain.译句 怎么区别if引导的是真实条件句还是虚拟条件句?详解和例句 高中英语虚拟语气If it ______(rain) tomorrow,what shall we do?If it ______(rain) tomorrow,waht would we do?两句分别填什么,有什么区别?望大师赐教, I will go to Beijing if it doesn't rain.If it doesn't rain,I will go to Beijing.两句有没有区别两句就算调换了位置 但主句 从句还是一样吗? 下面的句子中有一处错误,请找出来I don't know if or not it will rain.