英语翻译Like a man intent on walking the plank into shark infested waters Edmund followed a maid to Priscilla’s chamber door and then waited until the servant was out of sight before knocking three times.It was complete madness.He barely knew t

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 12:02:21

英语翻译Like a man intent on walking the plank into shark infested waters Edmund followed a maid to Priscilla’s chamber door and then waited until the servant was out of sight before knocking three times.It was complete madness.He barely knew t
Like a man intent on walking the plank into shark infested waters Edmund followed a maid to Priscilla’s chamber door and then waited until the servant was out of sight before knocking three times.It was complete madness.He barely knew the woman.She was five years older.She thought him a stinking mannerless bore,but it didn’t matter.He wanted her.She made him laugh.She made him feel… His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of feet approaching the other side of the closed door.
\x05“Miss Penny…it’s me,Lord Warenne.” The other side of the door was silent.“I’ve had a bath.I need to speak with you in private.Are you crying?Miss Penny…” He tried the door handle,but it was locked.“Why are you crying?”
\x05“Go away.”
\x05“I can’t leave my lucky penny…”
\x05“You don’t want me,I’m cursed.They call me Cilla,the seal of doom.”
\x05“Don’t you mean Cilla the silly penny?There’s no such thing as curses.Luck is more often a matter of choice than fate.Open the door; I can’t bear to hear you crying.”
\x05“Go away,before I ruin your life.”
\x05“There’s something I need to tell you and it’s not something I can say through a keyhole.I’ve had a thorough scrub and I’m wearing clean clothes…”
\x05“Then I’m definitely not opening the door.”
\x05“Penny please…” Edmund rested his forehead on the door.“…I don’t want to leave without you.Do you expect me to leave without seeing you?Won’t you let me kiss you goodbye…on the hand?” After an eternal five minutes of silence Edmund felt his heart knocking on his ribs demanding satisfaction.“Miss Penny my carriage is waiting; come away with me.We can reach London by this evening…”
\x05“Don’t tempt me; just go.”
\x05He could hear footsteps retreat from the door and then silence.What if he never saw her again?He groaned in disgust at his feelings of horror.Had he lost his mind?Did it matter?He knocked five times on the door with Lordly determination,but he hammered his knuckles in vain.There was no answer from the other side.He stood caressing the door handle trying to pretend it was still warm from Priscilla’s touch until two maids walked past giggling in-between whispers.Feeling stupid Edmund straightened and knocked one more time.“I’m leaving!”
\x05“Good.You’ll escape the curse.”
\x05“Miss Penny,I…” Another servant slowly wandered past eyeing him with curiosity.“Do you mind?I’m having a private conversation.” The servant raised an eyebrow,snorted in contempt and disappeared around a corner.“Miss Penny…won’t you open the door?”

英语翻译Like a man intent on walking the plank into shark infested waters Edmund followed a maid to Priscilla’s chamber door and then waited until the servant was out of sight before knocking three times.It was complete madness.He barely knew t
Like a man intent on walking the plank into shark infested waters Edmund followed a maid to Priscilla’s chamber door and then waited until the servant was out of sight before knocking three times. It was complete madness. He barely knew the woman. She was five years older. She thought him a stinking mannerless bore, but it didn’t matter. He wanted her. She made him laugh. She made him feel… His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of feet approaching the other side of the closed door.
犹如一个站在一块伸出船外的木板上, 准备跳入充满鲨鱼水域的人, 埃德蒙在一个女佣的带领下, 来到普里西拉的卧室门口;他等女佣离开后在门上敲了三下.这简直是荒唐之至;他对她一无所知,她比他年长五岁.在她的眼里,他只是一个臭不可当、轻薄无礼的讨厌鬼, 但没关系,他要她,因为她能让他喜笑颜开,她使他感觉…….紧闭房门另一边的一阵迈近的脚步声打断了他的思绪.
“Miss Penny…it’s me, Lord Warenne.” The other side of the door was silent. “I’ve had a bath. I need to speak with you in private. Are you crying? Miss Penny…” He tried the door handle, but it was locked. “Why are you crying?”
“Go away.”
“I can’t leave my lucky penny…”
“You don’t want me, I’m cursed. They call me Cilla, the seal of doom.”
“Don’t you mean Cilla the silly penny? There’s no such thing as curses. Luck is more often a matter of choice than fate. Open the door; I can’t bear to hear you crying.”
“Go away, before I ruin your life.”
“There’s something I need to tell you and it’s not something I can say through a keyhole. I’ve had a thorough scrub and I’m wearing clean clothes…”
“Then I’m definitely not opening the door.”
“Penny please…” Edmund rested his forehead on the door. “…I don’t want to leave without you. Do you expect me to leave without seeing you? Won’t you let me kiss you goodbye…on the hand?” After an eternal five minutes of silence, Edmund felt his heart knocking on his ribs demanding satisfaction. “Miss Penny my carriage is waiting; come away with me. We can reach London by this evening…”
“Don’t tempt me; just go.”
“你是指傻大姐西拉吧?世上根本没有所谓的诅咒.幸运往往是自己选择而不是靠命运的. 开门;我忍受不了听到你的哭声.”
“彭妮,求你啦…….” 埃德蒙把前额贴到门上“我不想扔下你离开.你认为我会不见你就离开吗?你不让我向你吻别吗…………吻你的手?”经过了恒久的五分钟沉寂,埃德蒙感觉心跳加速开始着急了.“彭妮小姐,我的车在等着呢;跟我一起走吧.我们今晚就可到达伦敦…….”
He could hear footsteps retreat from the door and then silence. What if he never saw her again? He groaned in disgust at his feelings of horror. Had he lost his mind? Did it matter? He knocked five times on the door with Lordly determination, but he hammered his knuckles in vain. There was no answer from the other side. He stood caressing the door handle trying to pretend it was still warm from Priscilla’s touch until two maids walked past giggling in-between whispers. Feeling stupid Edmund straightened and knocked one more time.
“I’m leaving!”
“Good. You’ll escape the curse.”
“Miss Penny, I…” Another servant slowly wandered past eyeing him with curiosity. “Do you mind? I’m having a private conversation.” The servant raised an eyebrow, snorted in contempt and disappeared around a corner.
“Miss Penny…won’t you open the door?”
【注】这里显示的是语带双关的英国幽默.女主角名叫Penny,作者用在这的是小写,lucky penny, penny是英国的钱币,便士.这是以前英国人喜欢随身代着的吉祥钱币,相信会带来好运.

像男人专心看着走进鲨鱼的木板蝗的水域埃德蒙普丽西拉的房门后跟一个女佣,仆人看不见以前敲了三次,然后等到。这是完整的疯狂。他几乎不知道那个女人。她是大五岁。她认为他臭的 mannerless 孔,但是没关系。他想她。她使他大笑起来。她使他应许他的思路被打断的接近关闭的门的另一边的脚步声。
"小姐 Penny…it 是我,耶和华 Warenne。"沉默了对方的大门。"我已洗...


像男人专心看着走进鲨鱼的木板蝗的水域埃德蒙普丽西拉的房门后跟一个女佣,仆人看不见以前敲了三次,然后等到。这是完整的疯狂。他几乎不知道那个女人。她是大五岁。她认为他臭的 mannerless 孔,但是没关系。他想她。她使他大笑起来。她使他应许他的思路被打断的接近关闭的门的另一边的脚步声。
"小姐 Penny…it 是我,耶和华 Warenne。"沉默了对方的大门。"我已洗个澡。我需要私下跟你谈谈。你哭吗?Penny… 小姐"他试着门把手,但被锁上。"你为什么哭?"
"我不能离开我幸运的 penny…"
"你不要我,我被诅咒。他们叫我 Cilla,盖上印章的厄运。"
"你指的是 Cilla 傻存钱吗?没有所谓的诅咒。运气更多是选择的一种比命运。打开门 ;我不能忍受听见你哭。"
"竹篙 please…"埃德蒙在门上休息了他的前额。“…我不想离开你。你希望我不要看到你吗?不让我吻你 goodbye…on 手吗?"永恒的五分钟的沉默后埃德蒙觉得他敲他的肋骨苛刻的满意度的心。"小姐分钱我运输等 ;跟我走来。我们可以通过此扫地外。 抵达伦敦"
"别引诱我 ;只是去。"
"小姐分钱,I…"另一个仆人慢慢走过去觊觎他的好奇。"你介意吗?我在私人谈话。"仆人眉毛、 藐视呼哧呼哧地喘角附近消失了。"不要错过 Penny…won 你把门打开吗?"





