国庆英语作文大于80字 内容是 和同学打牌输了 和同学一起逛街吃饭之内的

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 23:36:42

国庆英语作文大于80字 内容是 和同学打牌输了 和同学一起逛街吃饭之内的
大于80字 内容是 和同学打牌输了 和同学一起逛街吃饭之内的

国庆英语作文大于80字 内容是 和同学打牌输了 和同学一起逛街吃饭之内的
I played cards with my classmates and I lost.So we went out to have luch together.Of course it was my treat.After luch we walked around the street.There were thousands of people in the street and there were beautiful lamterns decorated the street.Then we walked into a large shop.We bought some books there.We really had a good time that day.

National Day
October 1st is National Day in China every year.On that day ,Chinese people are quite happy to celebrate their motherland's birthday.and most people have seven days ' time to spend ...


National Day
October 1st is National Day in China every year.On that day ,Chinese people are quite happy to celebrate their motherland's birthday.and most people have seven days ' time to spend their holiday .they can go travelling ,visit their relatives or friends,shopping, relaxing or staying at home to have a good rest .During the holiday people raise national flags and red lights everywhere



国庆英语作文大于80字 内容是 和同学打牌输了 和同学一起逛街吃饭之内的 关于国庆假期的英语作文,尽量超过80字,比较通俗易懂!内容大概是:我的国庆假期非常有趣,每天我会看两小时书,然后出去玩.在假期里,我看了一些电影,如暮光之城,盗梦空间.有时会同学一起 以迎国庆 庆国庆为话题 写一篇不少于600字的作文内容是60年后的今天 初二英语国庆作文题目是the day 60字 (英语作文)写一篇60~80字的英语作文,介绍国庆长假的计划.下列内容供参考国庆节快到了,放七天假,去公园放风筝,划船,照相,去远足,爬山,去书店买书,看看书,数学不太好,请求同学帮助做数学题 英语作文关于国庆的80词 五年级国庆英语作文50字 国庆阅兵式英语作文100字 英语作文形容同学谁能帮我写一篇80词左右的初二英语作文!内容是形容同学的,好的追加分、 英语My holiday国庆作文英语My holiday国庆作文(初二)60字以上 用英语写一个通知内容如下通知9月30日晚上7学生礼堂举行国庆庆祝会.我们邀请了著名的歌唱家作精彩表演.请同学们届时参加.欢迎老师们参与.(我只有20的财富悬赏,是7点.不好意思.少打了 国庆100字作文大哥.国庆作文 急求英语作文…学校发言稿内容要有感谢老师和同学 国庆假期生活的英语作文要不少于100字我要的是国庆节的, 英语作文我的国庆假期是初二水平的 我和我的祖国作文,600字左右!内容和国庆有关的! 国庆长期英语小作文 国庆假期英语作文150