急求英语短语,如;run after(追赶) 要附带中文哦!

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急求英语短语,如;run after(追赶) 要附带中文哦!
急求英语短语,如;run after(追赶) 要附带中文哦!

急求英语短语,如;run after(追赶) 要附带中文哦!
1.更友好得多much more friendly 2.其中的一个雇员one of the employers
3.身体语言body language 4.给……留下深刻印象make a good impression on
5.使…想起…remind sb of sth 6.毫不犹豫without hesitation/without doing
7.好好照料 take good care of 8.瞥一眼glance at 盯着看stare at
9.衣着好看的well –dressed 10.一条建议a piece of advice
11.以 ……为基础be based on 12.而不是,取代,代替,相反 instead of
13.首先first of all 14.凭借手势through gestures
15. a part time job 兼职工作 16. a travel agency 旅行社
17. look up 抬头看,查找(字典) 18. walk over to 走向,走上去
19. give a chance 给一个机会 20. make eye contact with 与…眼神交流
21. a set of false teeth 假牙 22. look forward to doing sth 盼望/期望做某事
23. regard/consider sb as把……当作 24. best regards 最好的问候
25. accept the invitation 接受邀请 26. reject the invitation 拒接邀请
27. communicate with 与sb 交流/沟通 28. judge by appearance 以貌取人
29. at once 马上 立刻 30. minutes later 几分钟后
31. decided to do= make a decision to do= make up one’s mind todo 决定做sth
32. prefer doing to doing 比起…更喜欢…=prefer to do …rather than do 宁可做…也不做…
33. in many situations 在很多情况下 34. as a metter of fact= in fact 事实上
1.关闭(电视,灯等)turn off 2.来自be from/ come from
3.弄干净clean up 4.……的末尾the end of...
5.等一等wait a minute 6.跟某人交谈talk with/to sb. =communicate with...
7.a drop of water一滴水 8.come out of…从.出来
9.a few days几天 10.look round向四周看
11.24 days ago 24天前 12.a water treatment works一个水处理工厂
13.waste water浪费水 14.speed down the mountain快速下山
15. 足够的食物enough food 16. 太多的水too much water
17.实际上in fact 18.cover 2/3 of Earth覆盖了地球的三分之二
19.现在at present 20.至少at least
21.each time每次 22.洗澡take a bath
23.flash down冲毁,冲下 24.人类human beings
25.twice as much多两倍 26.现在right now
27.首先;起初in the first place
28.on Earth在地球上 29.摇头shake one's head
30.等一会儿wait a minute 31.信不信由你believe it or not
32. most of the water in the world世界上大部分水
1. 开会have a meeting 2. 多久一次how often——once/twice/every
3. 负责take charge of/be responsible for 4. 商量,讨论discuss/have a discussion /talk over
5. 请求、征求意见ask for advice 6. 列出清单make a list of
6.两周后in two weeks' time 7.对……免费be free to sb/ pay for 付款
8.出一份报纸publish a newspaper 9.参加take part in
10.发生take place 11. elect sb to de 选举sb成为…/vote for sb.投票选举某人
12. 主编chief editor 13. conclude= finish=come to the end of结束某事
14.本地新闻local news (world news) 15.跌倒fall down
16.作出决定、决定做某事make a decision to do、 decide to do sth.
17.散发;分发give out 18.总计,一共in all
19.尽可能快地as soon as possible 20.因为because of
21.during the visit在参观期间 22.be born出生
23.according to根据 24.ought to应该
25.suggest doing sth 建议做sth 26. consider/ think about 考虑 思考
27. agree to do sth 同意做sth, agree on sth同意sth, agree with sb同意sb
1.了解,知道know about 3.把……放在……里面put…into…
4.按照,根据 according to6.神秘助手hidden helpers
7.be unaware o没意识到8.washing machine洗衣机
9.be dependent on依赖10.more…than…与其...不如...
1.目前at present4.犯错误make mistakes
5.能,会be able to6.control the computer控制电脑
8.for these reasons因为这些原因9.the answer to this question这个问题的答案
l0. more importantly更重要的是1.依据某人的观点in noe's opinion
4.离集市很近very close to the market5.the use of computers计算机的使用
8.make a similar conversation编一个类似的对话
1.处理deal with 2.注意pay attention to
3.同时at the same time 4.与……交流communicate with
5.这时at this time6.overcome these difficulties克服这些困难
7.share resources共享资源8.all the time一直
9.more and more people越来越多的人
1. know about 了解,知道 2. put…into…把…放在…里面
3. according to按照,根据 4. hidden helpers神秘助手
5. pay attention to …注意… 6. make mistakes犯错误
7. be able to 能,会 8. operate/control the computer控制电脑
9. for these reasons因为这些原因 10. the answer to this question这个问题的答案
11. more importantly更重要的是 12. in noe's opinion依据某人的观点
13. the use of computers计算机的使用 14. deal with处理
15. in the future 今后,将来 16. all the time一直
17. at the same time 同时 18. at this time这时
19. communicate with 与……交流 20. faster at 在… 更快
21. more and more people越来越多的人 22. the more… the more… 越… 越…
23. as…as 与… 一样 24. not as/so …as 不像,不如
25. be unaware of = not know about = not realize 不知道,没意识到
26. be aware of = realize = understand 知道,意识到,明白
27. hardly ever = rarely = seldon = almost never 很少,几乎不
28. for the time being = at present = at the monent 目前,暂时
29. help sb do sthe = help sb with sth 帮助sb 做sth
30. use sth to do sth = use sth for doing sth 用…来做…
31. be dependent on依赖 = depend on
1. 除……之外 except/ except for 2. 取笑某人 make jokes about=make fun of=laugh at
3. 乱七八糟in a mess 4. 成百上千的hundreds of
5. 当心,小心be careful 6. 在……的帮助下with the help of
7. 过去常常used to 8. 对……感兴趣be interested in
9. 毕业于…graduate from 10. 又,再another one = one more
11. 参加join in = take part in 12. 同意(某人) agree with sb.
13. 去睡觉 go to sleep =go to bad 14. 冲下,快速跑下 rush down = move quackly down
15. 建立,设立set up 16. 送sb 某物send sb sth = send sth to sb
17. 爬出 clamb out 18. 把…拉进…drag…into… = pull… into…
19. 进入 enter = go into 20. 成功做…succeed in doing sth = be successful in doing sth

1.更友好得多much more friendly 2.其中的一个雇员one of the employers
3.身体语言body language 4.给……留下深刻印象make a good impression on
5.使…想起…remind sb of sth 6.毫不犹豫without hesitation/wit...


1.更友好得多much more friendly 2.其中的一个雇员one of the employers
3.身体语言body language 4.给……留下深刻印象make a good impression on
5.使…想起…remind sb of sth 6.毫不犹豫without hesitation/without doing
7.好好照料 take good care of 8.瞥一眼glance at 盯着看stare at
9.衣着好看的well –dressed 10.一条建议a piece of advice
11.以 ……为基础be based on 12.而不是,取代,代替,相反 instead of
13.首先first of all 14.凭借手势through gestures
15. a part time job 兼职工作 16. a travel agency 旅行社
17. look up 抬头看,查找(字典) 18. walk over to 走向,走上去
19. give a chance 给一个机会 20. make eye contact with 与…眼神交流
21. a set of false teeth 假牙 22. look forward to doing sth 盼望/期望做某事
23. regard/consider sb as把……当作 24. best regards 最好的问候
25. accept the invitation 接受邀请 26. reject the invitation 拒接邀请
27. communicate with 与sb 交流/沟通 28. judge by appearance 以貌取人
29. at once 马上 立刻 30. minutes later 几分钟后
31. decided to do= make a decision to do= make up one’s mind todo 决定做sth
32. prefer doing to doing 比起…更喜欢…=prefer to do …rather than do 宁可做…也不做…
33. in many situations 在很多情况下 34. as a metter of fact= in fact 事实上
1.关闭(电视,灯等)turn off 2.来自be from/ come from
3.弄干净clean up 4.……的末尾the end of...
5.等一等wait a minute 6.跟某人交谈talk with/to sb. =communicate with...
7.a drop of water一滴水 8.come out of…从......出来
9.a few days几天 10.look round向四周看
11.24 days ago 24天前 12.a water treatment works一个水处理工厂
13.waste water浪费水 14.speed down the mountain快速下山
15. 足够的食物enough food 16. 太多的水too much water
17.实际上in fact 18.cover 2/3 of Earth覆盖了地球的三分之二
19.现在at present 20.至少at least
21.each time每次 22.洗澡take a bath
23.flash down冲毁,冲下 24.人类human beings
25.twice as much多两倍 26.现在right now
27.首先;起初in the first place
28.on Earth在地球上 29.摇头shake one's head
30.等一会儿wait a minute 31.信不信由你believe it or not
32. most of the water in the world世界上大部分水
1. 开会have a meeting 2. 多久一次how often——once/twice/every
3. 负责take charge of/be responsible for 4. 商量,讨论discuss/have a discussion /talk over
5. 请求、征求意见ask for advice 6. 列出清单make a list of
6.两周后in two weeks' time 7.对……免费be free to sb/ pay for 付款
8.出一份报纸publish a newspaper 9.参加take part in
10.发生take place 11. elect sb to de 选举sb成为…/vote for sb.投票选举某人
12. 主编chief editor 13. conclude= finish=come to the end of结束某事
14.本地新闻local news (world news) 15.跌倒fall down
16.作出决定、决定做某事make a decision to do、 decide to do sth.
17.散发;分发give out 18.总计,一共in all
19.尽可能快地as soon as possible 20.因为because of
21.during the visit在参观期间 22.be born出生
23.according to根据 24.ought to应该
25.suggest doing sth 建议做sth 26. consider/ think about 考虑 思考
27. agree to do sth 同意做sth, agree on sth同意sth, agree with sb同意sb
1.了解,知道know about 3.把……放在……里面put…into…
4.按照,根据 according to6.神秘助手hidden helpers
7.be unaware o没意识到8.washing machine洗衣机
9.be dependent on依赖10.more…than…与其...不如...
1.目前at present4.犯错误make mistakes
5.能,会be able to6.control the computer控制电脑
8.for these reasons因为这些原因9.the answer to this question这个问题的答案
l0. more importantly更重要的是1.依据某人的观点in noe's opinion
4.离集市很近very close to the market5.the use of computers计算机的使用
8.make a similar conversation编一个类似的对话
1.处理deal with 2.注意pay attention to
3.同时at the same time 4.与……交流communicate with
5.这时at this time6.overcome these difficulties克服这些困难
7.share resources共享资源8.all the time一直
9.more and more people越来越多的人
1. know about 了解,知道 2. put…into…把…放在…里面
3. according to按照,根据 4. hidden helpers神秘助手
5. pay attention to …注意… 6. make mistakes犯错误
7. be able to 能,会 8. operate/control the computer控制电脑
9. for these reasons因为这些原因 10. the answer to this question这个问题的答案
11. more importantly更重要的是 12. in noe's opinion依据某人的观点
13. the use of computers计算机的使用 14. deal with处理
15. in the future 今后,将来 16. all the time一直
17. at the same time 同时 18. at this time这时
19. communicate with 与……交流 20. faster at 在… 更快
21. more and more people越来越多的人 22. the more… the more… 越… 越…
23. as…as 与… 一样 24. not as/so …as 不像,不如
25. be unaware of = not know about = not realize 不知道,没意识到
26. be aware of = realize = understand 知道,意识到,明白
27. hardly ever = rarely = seldon = almost never 很少,几乎不
28. for the time being = at present = at the monent 目前,暂时
29. help sb do sthe = help sb with sth 帮助sb 做sth
30. use sth to do sth = use sth for doing sth 用…来做…
31. be dependent on依赖 = depend on
1. 除……之外 except/ except for 2. 取笑某人 make jokes about=make fun of=laugh at
3. 乱七八糟in a mess 4. 成百上千的hundreds of
5. 当心,小心be careful 6. 在……的帮助下with the help of
7. 过去常常used to 8. 对……感兴趣be interested in
9. 毕业于…graduate from 10. 又,再another one = one more
11. 参加join in = take part in 12. 同意(某人) agree with sb.
13. 去睡觉 go to sleep =go to bad 14. 冲下,快速跑下 rush down = move quackly down
15. 建立,设立set up 16. 送sb 某物send sb sth = send sth to sb
17. 爬出 clamb out 18. 把…拉进…drag…into… = pull… into…
