
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 23:57:18

后来由于经济关系,不得不皇室联姻,眼看夏洛特就要嫁到外国去了,莱昂心急如焚,于是他急中生智,昂在准备甜点的时候,在芭莎的冰淇淋上用热巧克力写了几个英文字母“DOVE”是“DO YOU LOVE ME”的英文缩写.他相信芭莎一定可以猜他的心声,然而芭莎发了很久的呆,直到热巧克力融化.

Long long ago, a common dish carpenter Leon is cold winter, wash the dishes, injured split road hole, then, Princess Sherlock walked, white said, this hurts. This is the impact of Princess Sherlock Leon's life, two people will understand. Never loved Leon met a kind-hearted Sherlock. Because of Sherlock's position in the royal family is relatively low, so she always can't taste the noble food, ice cream,. So Leon every night he slipped into the kitchen, make ice cream for the bazaar, two people always eat ice cream side talk about the past, bazaar Leon also taught English. First awakening interest in the opposite sex of sweet linger in the two young people. However, in that era of conservative hierarchy clear, because the special status and circumstances, they did not say of the heart love, silently to the feelings buried in the bottom of my heart. Later because of economic relations, to the royal marriage, see Sherlock will marry to go abroad, Leon worried, and he was very quick witted, ang in preparation for dessert, ice cream in the bazaar with hot chocolate written several English letter "DOVE" is "DO YOU LOVE ME" English abbreviations. He believes it can guess his voice, but made a long stay bazaar, hot chocolate until melted. A few days later married Sherlock, sad Sherlock endure single lovesickness pain, resolutely chose to leave. There have been many years, Leon suddenly received the news of Sherlock, Leon after go through untold hardships finally found the bazaar. Sally and Leon at this time have been old, Ba Sally weak lying in bed, once such as Qingbo waves become gray eyes. Leon threw herself in her bed, unable to restrain the tears fell on her pale hand. Bazaar reach out and gently stroked Leon's hair, with almost faint to not hear the voice of the name of Leon, at that time, Leon just know, Sherlock was loved for his. In order to commemorate Sherlock and his love, and Leon developed a new type of chocolate, engraved with the carved in the chocolate on the word: dove. So the students ah, love to go after, speak out, even if you are just a dish ', and you love the person is a princess

英语翻译第一个很久很久以前,一位普通的洗碗匠莱昂正在寒冷的冬天里洗刷盘子,受伤裂开了道道口子,这时,公主夏洛特走了过来,善意的说,这很疼吧.这就是后来影响莱昂一生的夏洛特公主, 关于德芙爱情故事英语翻译演讲稿,跪求速度啊!第一个很久很久以前,一位普通的洗碗匠莱昂正在寒冷的冬天里洗刷盘子,受伤裂开了道道口子,这时,公主夏洛特走了过来,善意的说,这很疼吧.这 英语翻译.在很久很久以前 很久很久以前,地球是谁的天下! 地球很久很久以前是什么样子的? 春节起源于很久很久以前,所以过春节也就成为了大家的习惯.英语翻译 很久很久以前 英文一个故事开头有“很久很久以前”可我不知道用英语怎么说, 英语翻译很久很久以前,有一位艳丽的皇后,但在艳丽的背后却藏着一颗嫉妒的心,只要听说有人比她漂亮,她都无法忍受.她有一面魔镜,经常走到镜子面前自我欣赏. 用英语翻译“讨厌在很久之后还想着很久以前” 英语翻译很久很久以前恐龙下蛋.Dinosaurs ___________________long long ago. 很久很久以前,有一个女孩用英语怎么说? 很久很久以前英语怎么说? 用很久很久以前 造句 英语翻译1.这是个发生在很久很久以前的故事. 2.故事发生在公主的城堡里 很久很久以前,在地球上发生过一次大灾难,很久很久的作用? 在很久很久以前世界像一个巨大无比的什么?一个叫什么的人在里面慢慢成长起来? 在很久很久以前,世界像一个巨大无比的什么,一个叫什么的人在里面慢慢成长起来. 在很久很久以前,传说有九头一尾的九头鸟和九尾一头的九尾鸟.有一次这两种鸟栖息 在树林里,一位猎人经过算术法