【英语】I bleve he will go to back home in one week,_____ ______(改为反义疑问句)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 17:54:14

【英语】I bleve he will go to back home in one week,_____ ______(改为反义疑问句)
【英语】I bleve he will go to back home in one week,_____ ______(改为反义疑问句)

【英语】I bleve he will go to back home in one week,_____ ______(改为反义疑问句)
won't he

【英语】I bleve he will go to back home in one week,_____ ______(改为反义疑问句) I think you must bleve I will tell you when he will come back改病句.英语改病句 英语 so will i 和 so do i-He will go to the patry.答语用So do I还是So will I,请说下原因 英语有好评 .I don't know if he [],if he [],I will英语有好评 .I don't know if he [],if he [],I will tell him.A.comes ,comesB.will come ,comesC.comes ,will comeD.will come,will come 英语连词成句,快he,no,you,i'm,will,believe,more,afraid. 牛津初二英语改错题I don't think he will come back after two hours. an will be successful day some he sure i very 英语连词成句 英语同义句转换 I am sure that he will come on time. He ( ) ( ) to come om time I w____ if he will come tomorrow OK .I am sure he will come 英语作文:i will be 一道英语题啊...语法的,时态的When______for HongKong ,do you know?I an not sure ,When he_______,I will let you knowA.he leaves;leaves B.he leaves; will leave C.will he leaves ;will leave D.will he leaves ; leav 一个英语反义疑问句如题:I don't think he will take the job,__________?A.do you B,do I C.won't he D.will he 原因, I don,t think that he will come ,-------?A won,t he B do I C will I Dwill he 一道棘手的英语问题I think he will be better ,won't he ,怎么搞的,主语是I啊,怎么后面是he,外国人到底有什么规定啊 那这道又选什么Do you think he will be better 答句是哪个 AYes I do B Yes he will ,到底怎么 When___ again?when he ___,I'll let you knowA.he comes ,come B.will he come,will comeC.he comes,will come D.will he come,comes 英语:2道反义疑问句:1.I will go to Beijing,_______?2.He has got a car,_______?