英语翻译怎么说,英语如何表达1 你跟着我学就行2 我怎么说,你怎么说4 我怎么跳舞,你也怎么跳舞5 她深深打动了我 / 大家被她那件漂亮衣服深深吸引 6 不要胡思乱想 7 我怎么唱歌,你就怎么

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 20:35:56

英语翻译怎么说,英语如何表达1 你跟着我学就行2 我怎么说,你怎么说4 我怎么跳舞,你也怎么跳舞5 她深深打动了我 / 大家被她那件漂亮衣服深深吸引 6 不要胡思乱想 7 我怎么唱歌,你就怎么
1 你跟着我学就行
2 我怎么说,你怎么说
4 我怎么跳舞,你也怎么跳舞
5 她深深打动了我 / 大家被她那件漂亮衣服深深吸引 6 不要胡思乱想
7 我怎么唱歌,你就怎么唱
8 我找不到她了,她都三天没回家了
9 他经常逃课出去玩
10 他没有穿上衣 // 他没有穿裤子
11 那个小男孩什么衣服都没穿,还到处乱跑。

英语翻译怎么说,英语如何表达1 你跟着我学就行2 我怎么说,你怎么说4 我怎么跳舞,你也怎么跳舞5 她深深打动了我 / 大家被她那件漂亮衣服深深吸引 6 不要胡思乱想 7 我怎么唱歌,你就怎么
1.Just learn from me.
2.Speak after me / whatever I say,you say
3.Do what I do / whatever I do,you do
4.Dance how I dance / however I dance,you dance / dance like me
5.She touched me deeply / everyone was deeply attracted by her beautiful clothes.
6.Don't let your mind stray aimlessly,thanks.
7.Sing like I sing / however I sing,you sing / sing like me
8.She hasn't been home for three days,and I can't find her.
9.He often skips class to go out and play.
10.He didn't wear any upper garments / He didn't wear pants.
11.The little boy ran around without wearing anything.

1,you just follow me.
2,you just say as i said.
3, you just do as i did.
4,follow me to dance.
5,She impressed me deeply./ Everyone was attracted deeply by her beautiful clothes.


1,you just follow me.
2,you just say as i said.
3, you just do as i did.
4,follow me to dance.
5,She impressed me deeply./ Everyone was attracted deeply by her beautiful clothes.
6, don't let your imagine run away.
7,follow me to sing.
8,I can't find her .she hasn't back home for three days.
9,he cuts the class very often to go out to play.


1. Following me is ok.
2.Say as I said.
3.Do as I did.
4.Dance as I danced.
5.I'm deeply struck by her./we are all deeply struck by her beautiful cloth.
6.Don't think ridiculously ...


1. Following me is ok.
2.Say as I said.
3.Do as I did.
4.Dance as I danced.
5.I'm deeply struck by her./we are all deeply struck by her beautiful cloth.
6.Don't think ridiculously please.
8.She has been out of home for 3 days,so I can't find her.
9.He offen escape from class to play outside.


怎么说,怎么做, how to say / how to do
1. you can just learn from me
2. you just say as what i say
3. you just do as what i do
4. you just dance as how i dance
5, she moved me deeply / ...


怎么说,怎么做, how to say / how to do
1. you can just learn from me
2. you just say as what i say
3. you just do as what i do
4. you just dance as how i dance
5, she moved me deeply / everyone felt drawn into her nice dress
6. don't think about the things that can't happen
7. you just sing as how i sing
