简爱英文书评.赶时间啊..高中生水平 只要100-150字 太多没用别太多语法错误 复制粘贴的不要 支持原创!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 09:36:28

简爱英文书评.赶时间啊..高中生水平 只要100-150字 太多没用别太多语法错误 复制粘贴的不要 支持原创!
高中生水平 只要100-150字 太多没用
别太多语法错误 复制粘贴的不要 支持原创!

简爱英文书评.赶时间啊..高中生水平 只要100-150字 太多没用别太多语法错误 复制粘贴的不要 支持原创!
Jane Eyre is a story about coming of age.She becomes a governess and leaves her childhood behind and finds herself in love with her master.This is a haunting love story with a twist,a must read and a must see.I think she was like most being that she was a woman who wanted her independence which she chose as a governess and to experience life.Jane grew and became close learning of friendship then of love and of heartache.A proud woman with self worth.这个是摘抄自美国加州大学的一个学生论坛的帖子,非常经典啊,又短又精炼.这里面的词性活用和短语很好,我正好来弥补自己的英语和地道英语之间的差距.嗯嗯.老美的英语那真的是打生下来就会,咱们的原创再怎么写那都有点Chinglish在里头.自卑啊自卑啊!
Jane Eyre /ˈɛər/ is a famous and influential novel by English writer Charlotte Brontë.It was published in London,England,in 1847.Jane Eyre was a very little and cute ten year girl who used to live with her aunty and cousin where she had to face their hatred every second.They didn't lose any chance of abusing her and making her feel that she posses the inferior position among them.The only escape from her miseries was when she used to have long and long discussion with her servant Bessie who used to entertain her by telling her different stories and singing songs.
One day,when as usual her cousin was abusing her she started fighting with him,due to this reason she was imprisoned by her aunty,Mrs.Reed into a read room where Mr.Reed took his last breadth.She was so scared in the room that she fainted.After some days she was sent to Lowood School that was very far from her home at Gates Head.
When she was going through some inspection in her school she was punished to stand on the stool in front of her class mates.Her teacher Mr.Brocklehurst accused her that she is a liar and abused her in front of whole class.Miss temple feel the injustice that was being done to Jane so she decided to write a letter to Mr.Lloyd to clarify the status of Jane's nature,after this embarrassing incident,Jane decided to concentrate only on her studies and nothing else.
After finishing her school,she was posted on the position of governess at Thorn Field Manor where she started teaching a French girl Adele.
There he met Edward Rochester and she fell in love with him on the next immediate second,although Jane was convinced that she won't the return love from him because there was another beautiful girl in town,Blanche Ingram.But to her amazement she was offered marriage from Mr.Rochestor but after sometime she found that he was already married with Bertha so she decided to leave Thorns field.
The Rivers family,including St.Jhon,Mary and Dian took her to their place that is famous by the name of Moor house; during her stay at the moor house she found out one day that she has inherited 20,000 pounds from her father John Eyre.
After some weeks,Jane found out that Bertha in full anger burnt Thorns Field who also died in the fire while Mr.Rochester lost his eyesight and a hand.She searched from him and married him.In the end on the novel,Jane told the readers that she and Mr.Rochester are married for ten years now.
