
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 21:01:07


send for派人去请;索取;召唤;函购
send up发射;发出;呈递;射出
send round使传阅;发送;派遣;使传闻

Send for“派人请”,He is ill,please send for a doctor.
Send away“撵走,开除”,The boss sent him away.
Send up“发射”,Man-made satellites have been sent up into space by many countries.
send sb sth=send sth to sb送给某人某物

send sb packing 叫某人卷铺盖;撵某人走
send away (to sb)(for sth)= send off (for sth)
send for sb 请某人帮忙 (send for a doctor)
send for sth 让人带来某物
send sb forth 派往、派遣
send forth sth 发出(声音、信号)...


send sb packing 叫某人卷铺盖;撵某人走
send away (to sb)(for sth)= send off (for sth)
send for sb 请某人帮忙 (send for a doctor)
send for sth 让人带来某物
send sb forth 派往、派遣
send forth sth 发出(声音、信号)
send sb in (send in sb)派某人去(应付困难局面)
sebd sth in (send in sth) 寄去(处理)
send off(for sth);send away (to sb)(for sth) 邮购
send sb off (send off sb) (比赛)罚某人下场
send sth off(send off sth)寄出,发出


Send for“派人请”,He is ill,please send for a doctor.
Send away“撵走,开除”,The boss sent him away.
Send up“发射”,Man-made satellites have been sent up into space by many countries.