
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 15:44:22





1.名词 Nick pen book 如: Nick is a teacher. The book is expensive.
2.人称代词/指示代词 I we you she he it they this that
如:I am a teacher. This is my p...


1.名词 Nick pen book 如: Nick is a teacher. The book is expensive.
2.人称代词/指示代词 I we you she he it they this that
如:I am a teacher. This is my pen.
3.数词 one two three four five first second third fourth
如:The first is important. Eight is a lucky number
4.动词不定式 短语 to eat to be a teacher to be rich
如: To learn english is easy(it is easy to learn English。)
5.动名词 eating an apple being a teacher being rich
如:Learning English is funny.
6.句子 (主语从句)略
7.其他 the old the poor the rich
如:The rich should help the poor.
1.简单谓语 (由 实义动词/动词短语 构成)
say talk speak type eat drink play buy
look at look after get up
如:I love you. I speak chinese. I get up at six.
(1)情态动词+动词原形 can speak 如:I can speak Cantonese/Mandarin.
(2)助动词+动词原形 will buy 如:I will buy a new book tomorrow.
(3)助动词+其他的动词形式 am doing 如: I am working now
have done 如: I have learned English for 10 years.
3.系动词 +表语 = 一种复合谓语
be seem 如: I am short. I am happy.
be= be am is are was were being been
she/he+ is
I+ am
You+ are
was /were 用在过去时态
been 用在完成时态或者被动语态
being 用在被动语态或者介词后面做介词的宾语或者做动名词
be 用在动词不定式
I am proud of being Chinese.
Being a teacher is pleasure.
be in love with
He is being in love with her.
I was a student.
They were students.

名词 如:She is a teacher. She has been a teacher for a year.
形容词 如: She is beautiful
介词短语 如:She is in the classroom..
He is at school. She is at table . they are at work. Time is up
名词 pen comb key house shirt school mirror
如: I bought a book yesterday.
I borrowed a pen from him.
代词 me you her him it them us
如:She loves him. I love her. I told them a story.
数词 I want two 他
I gave her a book. I gave a book to her
I like drinking tea
I like eating apples
五、宾语补足语make let have call see get find
名词 I call her Marry. You can call me Nick.
数词 I put my career/family(the)first.
形容词 I made her happy .You make me mad. She made him upset.He made the English class funny.
Eating apples can make you beautiful
六、 状语
时间 today tomorrow yesterday soon finally lately recently 如:I will go home tomorrow.
地点 here there upstairs nearby outside 如: I am happy here / there.
方式 slowly loudly suddenly 如: I speak English slowly.
程度 very good so too 如:Our school is very beautiful.
频度 often seldom usually always sometimes如:I usually go home after work.
my book expensive book good book dirty book Nick's
如:The people in the park are dancing.
The girl with a book is his English teacher.
new something new anything special
my father ,the fat man,is drinking
1、主语+谓语(不及物动词) +状语
I work everyday.
2、主语 + be + 表语+状语
I am happy now.
she is rich now.
I am poor now.
3、主语 +谓语+ 宾语+状语
I love English very much.
4、主语 +谓语 + 双宾语+状语
I gave her a book yesterday.
5、主语 + 谓语+ 宾语+ 补语+状语
I made her happy yesterday.
what all the people in the park want to know is where the girl in red has gone to?
I can eat ,I can sleep I am a good eater and a sleeper
