
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 02:33:43


Living in the comteporary society, it is necessary to develop the interests and hobbies of our kids. But some of the parents want their kids to have too many talents, therefore, they force them to learn what they have no interest in. I don't think such kind of practice is right. Although every parent wants his/her own child to grow into somebody, yet we have to find out first what the child is interested in. Compelling is not only useless but also it will cause the child to rebell, which is reflected in many examples nowadays. Parents force their kids to attend many different courses, which intense the relationship between parents and their kids. What is worse, some kids will run away from home. Based on what I've said above, I think parents should give their kids enough freedom. What parents should do is to guide them in a right direction.