At the beginning of this term,we __a warm welcome to the foreign teachers.A reached B streached C extended D expanded

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 22:06:36

At the beginning of this term,we __a warm welcome to the foreign teachers.A reached B streached C extended D expanded
At the beginning of this term,we __a warm welcome to the foreign teachers.A reached B streached C extended D expanded

At the beginning of this term,we __a warm welcome to the foreign teachers.A reached B streached C extended D expanded
extend a welcome 固定搭配“表示欢迎” Let me extend warm welcome to our guests.请让我向我们的客人表示热烈的欢迎.reached ”到达(某地)“ 表示到达某个具体位置,reach是及物动词,直接接地点宾语.表示抽象的”达到“则可以用reach out to streched "指人“伸展四肢”(通常不是加长,而是用拉伸的方法使之变长),也可以指"指某物(道路,时间等)延伸到.,当表示延伸时强调在空间(四面八方)上的延伸.extended 指“时间的延长”扩大(影响/业务范围)""道路延伸",当表示延伸时强调在一条直线上的从内到外的延伸,常表示具体延伸到何处,extension可以表示“分机” expanded 表示“体积的膨胀”,强调从小向大增长、扩展或膨胀,引申为“商业上的扩张、营业范围扩大/扩展视野/思维/影响”"花儿绽放" Go on until you reach the end.往前走,一直走到头.But I still reach out to them.但我仍然可以跟他们交心.The desert stretched away into the distance.沙漠一直延伸到远方.He stood up and had a stretch.他站起来,伸了个懒腰.The hot weather extended into October.炎热天气一直持续到十月.This road extended to the port.这条道路一直延伸到港口.My garden extends as far as the river.我的花园一直伸展到河边.We plan to expand our company's operations.我们计划扩大我们公司的业务.Why can't a bookcase expand with your mind?凭什么书架不能随着你的思想而变大?Liquids expand and contract as gases do.液体和气体一样也膨胀和收缩.欢迎探讨词法语法问题.