
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 17:02:46


G:Hi,Paul ,did you have nice weekends?
B:No,my uncle is sick has canser.
G:Sorry to hear that.Does he smoke?
B:Yes,that's the problem.He smokes a lot.
G:You parents must be worried.
B:Yes,they went to see him in hospital and I had to take care of myself and my younger brother.
G:Did you have to do the cooking?
B:Yes,my brother does not like fast food.
(G:girl B:boy)

girl:Hi paul !Did u have a nice weekend?
boy:No, my uncle's sick,has cancer
girl:Sorry to hear that.Does he smoke?
boy:Yes that's the problem .He smokes a lot
girl:Your parents must b...


girl:Hi paul !Did u have a nice weekend?
boy:No, my uncle's sick,has cancer
girl:Sorry to hear that.Does he smoke?
boy:Yes that's the problem .He smokes a lot
girl:Your parents must be worried.
boy:Yes ,I went to see him in the hospital and I have to take care of myself and my younger brother.
girl:Do you have to do the cooking?
boy:Yes, my younger brother doesn't like fast food


GIRL: Hi,Pual.Did you have a nice weekend?
BOY: No, my uncle was sick. He has cancer.
GIRL: Sorry to hear that. Does he smoke?
BOY: Yes, that's the problem. He smokes a lot.
GIRL: ...


GIRL: Hi,Pual.Did you have a nice weekend?
BOY: No, my uncle was sick. He has cancer.
GIRL: Sorry to hear that. Does he smoke?
BOY: Yes, that's the problem. He smokes a lot.
GIRL: Your parents must be worried.
BOY: Yes,they went to see him in hospital , and I had to take care of myself and my younger brother.
GIRL: Did you have to do the cooking?
BOY: Yes, my brother does not like fastfood. 额 还是晚了....


Hi~,Paul! Did you have a nice weekend?
No, my uncle is sick, has cancer.
sorry to hear that, dose he smoke?
Yes, that's the problem, he smokes a lot
your parents must be worried


Hi~,Paul! Did you have a nice weekend?
No, my uncle is sick, has cancer.
sorry to hear that, dose he smoke?
Yes, that's the problem, he smokes a lot
your parents must be worried
Yes, they went to see him in hospital, and I had to take care of myself and my younger brother
Did you have to do the cooking?
Yes, my brother don't like fast food.


Hi Paul, did you have a nice weekend?
No, my uncle is sick. [He] has cancer.
Sorry to hear that. Does he smoke?
Yes, that's the problem. He smokes a lot.
Your parents must be worried...


Hi Paul, did you have a nice weekend?
No, my uncle is sick. [He] has cancer.
Sorry to hear that. Does he smoke?
Yes, that's the problem. He smokes a lot.
Your parents must be worried.
yes. they went to see him in the hospital, and I had to take care of myself and my younger brother.
Did you have to do the cooking?
Yes, my brother does not like fast food.


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