speak和say 的区别和用法嘴挺甜,赛先生

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 08:04:27

speak和say 的区别和用法嘴挺甜,赛先生
speak和say 的区别和用法

speak和say 的区别和用法嘴挺甜,赛先生
和tell talk都有说,讲的意思
tell - to tell someone
I will tell you about the date later.
speak- to say something
If you want to say something then speak.
Talk- a chat between poeple
Stop talking you two
Say- like speak
Just say the word!
Do you speak Chinese?你说汉语吗?
Mr.Wu is going to speak at our class meeting.吴老师将在班会上发言.
2、talk———“讲”、“说话”、“谈话”,与speak的意义相近.一般用做不及物动词,指一般的谈话或交谈,而不如speak正规的“演讲”、“发言”,须跟宾语时,与to、with、about等介词连用.例如:Jim is going to talk about English names tomorrow.吉姆明天打算谈谈英国人的名字.
Look!Our teacher is talking
Idon’t know what he said.我不明白他所说的.
Kate saw a card on her

speak和 say都有“说”的意思,但用法却不同。
eg: Doctor Li is speaking to his patient.
I can speak French fluently.



speak和 say都有“说”的意思,但用法却不同。
eg: Doctor Li is speaking to his patient.
I can speak French fluently.

eg: Please say it in English.
She says that she can answer this quedtion.
speak有演讲的意思,它更侧重于比较正式的发言及说一些语言。如speak English.


【问】 编辑老师,您好,我做练习时遇到这样一道选择题,我不明白为什么答案是B,而不是C 呢?(安徽合肥 高爽)
— What did you think of his lecture?
— He ________ for two hours but didn't ________ much.
A. spoke; speak B. spoke; say <...


【问】 编辑老师,您好,我做练习时遇到这样一道选择题,我不明白为什么答案是B,而不是C 呢?(安徽合肥 高爽)
— What did you think of his lecture?
— He ________ for two hours but didn't ________ much.
A. spoke; speak B. spoke; say
C. said; speak D. said; say
【答】 你好,高爽同学,首先让我们一起区分一下speak和say。speak用作不及物动词时,侧重于说话的动作本身,而不涉及讲话的内容。从小孩说话到发表演说,都可以用speak这个词。如:
1. My little cousin hasn't learned to speak yet. 我的小外甥还没有学会说话。
2. Could I speak to Mary, please? 请问我可以和玛丽说话吗?
3. The voice president spoke for an hour at the meeting. 副总经理在会上讲了一个小时。
当speak 接表示语言的词语,如:English, Japanese, French等,作及物动词。如:
Tom can speak Chinese. 汤姆能说汉语。
say侧重所说的内容,它几乎总带有宾语〔名词、代词、从句(包括直接引语和间接引语)〕。你说的试题中much便是say的宾语,speak是不能带此类宾语的,所以不能选择C 项。如:
1. She says (that) she is busy now. 她说她现在很忙。
2. What did he say? 他说什么?
3. I think we can say it's a “ball”. 我想我们可以把它说成一个“球”。
4. “I must go now,” he says. 他说:“我现在必须走了”。
tell - to tell someone
I will tell you about the date later.
speak- to say something
If you want to say something then speak.
Talk- a chat between poeple
Stop talking you two
Say- like speak
Just say the word!


speak指说某种语言 speak English
say指说的具体内容Can you say it again?
speak 意为“说话、讲话”,做及物动词时,后面宾语主要接语言。如:
He can speak English and a little Chinese.
speak to 意为“和....


speak指说某种语言 speak English
say指说的具体内容Can you say it again?
speak 意为“说话、讲话”,做及物动词时,后面宾语主要接语言。如:
He can speak English and a little Chinese.
speak to 意为“和.....讲话、谈话”。如:
Can I speak to Mr Zhang?
speak of 意为“提到、说起”。如:
The book speaks of my hometown.
speak 还有在会上做正式发言的用法.speak in public
say 意为“说”。如:
Can you say it in English once more? 你能用英语再说一遍吗?
say to 意为“对......说”。如:
He said to his students that they would have a test.
It is said that... 意为“据说”。如:
It is said that he could stay under the water for a long time.



问】 编辑老师,您好,我做练习时遇到这样一道选择题,我不明白为什么答案是B,而不是C 呢?
— What did you think of his lecture?
— He ________ for two hours but didn't ________ much.
A. spoke; speak B. spoke; say
C. sai...


问】 编辑老师,您好,我做练习时遇到这样一道选择题,我不明白为什么答案是B,而不是C 呢?
— What did you think of his lecture?
— He ________ for two hours but didn't ________ much.
A. spoke; speak B. spoke; say
C. said; speak D. said; say
【答】 你好,高爽同学,首先让我们一起区分一下speak和say。speak用作不及物动词时,侧重于说话的动作本身,而不涉及讲话的内容。从小孩说话到发表演说,都可以用speak这个词。如:
1. My little cousin hasn't learned to speak yet. 我的小外甥还没有学会说话。
2. Could I speak to Mary, please? 请问我可以和玛丽说话吗?
3. The voice president spoke for an hour at the meeting. 副总经理在会上讲了一个小时。
当speak 接表示语言的词语,如:English, Japanese, French等,作及物动词。如:
Tom can speak Chinese. 汤姆能说汉语。
say侧重所说的内容,它几乎总带有宾语〔名词、代词、从句(包括直接引语和间接引语)〕。你说的试题中much便是say的宾语,speak是不能带此类宾语的,所以不能选择C 项。如:
1. She says (that) she is busy now. 她说她现在很忙。
2. What did he say? 他说什么?
3. I think we can say it's a “ball”. 我想我们可以把它说成一个“球”。
4. “I must go now,” he says. 他说:“我现在必须走了”。




tell - to tell someone
I will tell you about the date later.
speak- to say something
If you want to say something then speak.
Talk- a chat between poeple
Stop talking you two ...


tell - to tell someone
I will tell you about the date later.
speak- to say something
If you want to say something then speak.
Talk- a chat between poeple
Stop talking you two
Say- like speak
Just say the word!
e.g I want to tell you all about her.
Can you speak in English?
I have talked with him for a long time.
Don't hear what I say just now?


"86088911 - 见习魔法师"您好 !
我补充一下speak, say,talk, tell的用法区别:
1. speak 强调单方的“说”或“讲”,一般用作不及物动词,要表示“对某人说(某事)”,可用 speak to [with] sb (about sth)。如:
Please speak more slowly. 请说慢一点。
I spoke to ...


"86088911 - 见习魔法师"您好 !
我补充一下speak, say,talk, tell的用法区别:
1. speak 强调单方的“说”或“讲”,一般用作不及物动词,要表示“对某人说(某事)”,可用 speak to [with] sb (about sth)。如:
Please speak more slowly. 请说慢一点。
I spoke to [with] the chairman about my idea. 我跟主席说了我的想法。
2.say 强调说话内容,一般用作及物动词。表示“对某人说”,可用 say to sb。如:
Did you say anything (to him)? 你(对他)说了些什么?
He said (that) he wanted to go. 他说他想去。
正:It is said that he is ill.
正:He is said to be ill. (from www.yywords.com)
3. talk 强调双方“交谈”,一般用作不及物动词,表示“同某人谈论(某事)”,可用 talk to [with] sb (about sth)。如:
He was talking to [with] a friend. 他在同一位朋友谈话。
What are they talking about? 他们在谈论什么?
talk business 谈正事 talk nonsense [rubbish] 胡说八道
4. tell 表示“告诉”,可接双宾语,双宾语易位时用介词 to 引出间接宾语。如:
I told him my name. 我把名字告诉了他。
He told his parents the good news. / He told the good news to his parents. 他把这个好消息告诉了他父母。
Tell her to come at once. 叫她马上来。
He told the children not to play in the street. 他叫孩子们不要在街上玩。
另外,有时与介词 from 连用表示“区分”、“辨别”等。如:
I cannot tell which is which. 我分不清哪个是哪个。
Can you tell true friends from false friends? 你能分清真 假朋友吗?
5. 注意习惯表达:(from www.yywords.com)
(1) 表示“演说”、“演讲”、“发言”等,一般用 speak 。如:
Who is going to speak at the meeting? 谁将在会上发言?
(2) 表示“讲故事”、“说谎”等,一般用 tell。如:
He often tells us interesting stories. 他经常给我们讲有趣的故事。
(3) 表示“说某种语言”,一般用 speak (及物)。如:
Do you speak French? 你会说法语吗?
注:偶尔用动词 talk 表示“说”某种语言,但很少见。
(4) 在某些搭配中,有时可有多种表达。如:
say [speak] a word 说句话 say [tell, speak] the truth 讲真话


speak 基本上有4种“说”的解释。(1)用正常语速说。(2)会说(几种语言)(3)和别人交谈 (4)发言,演讲
say (1)说,讲 (2)表明(意见,看法等)


eg. He said he was hungry.
2.speak 用作及物动词时,其宾语一般是语言或词语之类的词;作不及物动词,意思是"说话".在会议上正式发言也用speak.表示"同某人说话",要用"speak to sb."
eg: He speaks English very well.


eg. He said he was hungry.
2.speak 用作及物动词时,其宾语一般是语言或词语之类的词;作不及物动词,意思是"说话".在会议上正式发言也用speak.表示"同某人说话",要用"speak to sb."
eg: He speaks English very well.
He didn't speak a word.
He spoke at the meeting.




speak 着重“讲话这一动作本身, 既可指系统的长篇讲话, 又可指简单的开口发音, 但不一定有人在听所说的话”, 如:
The baby is learning to speak.那个婴儿在学说话。
Say“说,述说,用系统的言语表达自己的想法”,学语的婴儿虽能speak或talk,但不能say,宾语是话语,而非人,say sth.) <...


speak 着重“讲话这一动作本身, 既可指系统的长篇讲话, 又可指简单的开口发音, 但不一定有人在听所说的话”, 如:
The baby is learning to speak.那个婴儿在学说话。
Say“说,述说,用系统的言语表达自己的想法”,学语的婴儿虽能speak或talk,但不能say,宾语是话语,而非人,say sth.)
如:Did you say anything? 你说了什么吗?
John said,“All right.”约翰说,“好吧。”
tell则是告诉的意思 Speak比较庄重,表示某人(即讲者)在一段对话中所说的话较其它人多。
举例: The Principal speaks to us every morning at the assembly.
Tom, your boss wants to speak to you.
Talk不及speak庄重,而且多用于说话,少用于书写。 Talk表示两个或更多的人在对话。
举例:The students were talking loudly in the classroom, in the very presence of the teacher.
当宾语是一种语言时,要用 speak 不用 talk 或 say:
正确: Victor speaks fluentPutonghua.
错误: Victor talks fluent Putonghua.
错误: Victor says fluent Putonghua.
在书面英语, talk 极少用作及物动词,除非在 talk 后接用以下的宾语:
Stop talking nonsense


speak的用法有speak English,speak quick,speak loudly...一般是用在说的方式(如声音,速度等);

say 的用法,有六句例句供记诵应用:1. Will it rain?-I should say not.会下雨吗?-我想不会的。英语中以I should say表示自己相当肯定的想法。Will John come?阿尊会来吗?I should say he will.我想他(多数)会来的。2. Her eyes said she was unhappy.她眼露愁情。两眼流露悲愁,此say用眼、流...


say 的用法,有六句例句供记诵应用:1. Will it rain?-I should say not.会下雨吗?-我想不会的。英语中以I should say表示自己相当肯定的想法。Will John come?阿尊会来吗?I should say he will.我想他(多数)会来的。2. Her eyes said she was unhappy.她眼露愁情。两眼流露悲愁,此say用眼、流露、表现也。3. Can you come to dinner? Say, seven thirty?你能来吃晚饭吗?七时半好吗?这个say有询问或者徵求对方意见的意思。4. It says on the bottle to take a spoonful a day.瓶上写著每天吃一匙。这个say是标明、说明之意。5. He cannot speak English, to say nothing of French.他不能说英语,更不用说法语了。To say nothing of ......略有强调否定之意。6. He studies as hard as before, that is to say, not very hard.他像以前一样用功读书,也就是说,不太用功。That is to say表示:亦即,就是,换句话说,就是说,总而言之,总之。To say nothing of ......和That is to say的表现方式在日常会话中常用会到,不妨多多练习应用。
tell 的用法,也有八句例句供记诵应用:1.Can you tell me what time the meeting starts? 你可以告诉我大会什麼时候开始吗?Tell作「告诉」解,有「教导」之意。2. This light tells you if the machine is on or off.这灯表示机器是否开著。Tell是表示,on or off,开或者关著。3. I told you to get here early, why are you late?我吩咐你早一点到这儿,你为啥迟到呢?这个tell是叮嘱、吩咐。4. It was so dark that I could not tell it was you,天太黑以致我认不出是你。Tell是看出、认出之意。5. There's no telling what will happen.(谁都)不知道将会发生什麼情况。There is no telling相当於you can never tell. 6. Can you tell Tom from his twin brother.你能分辨出汤姆和他的双胞胎兄弟吗?To tell A from B,分辨(鉴别)A和B的区别。7. All this hard work is telling on him.这(全部)辛劳工作由他辛苦忍受。To be telling on someone,辛苦忍受也。8. To tell the truth, I don't like that color,老实说,我不喜欢那个颜色。To tell the truth,说实话也
speak 的用法,有七句副句可供记诵应用:1. Don't speak with your mouth full of food.吃东西时不要说话。Speak,说话,以副词片语(adverbial phrase) with one's mouth full of food形容之。2. Actions speak louder than words.谚语,行动胜於雄辩也。这个speak是表现出来的意思。3. I was hardly able to speak a word.我几乎说不出一个字来。To be hardly able to speak a word,常用以形容因情绪作用而说不出话。4. Generally speaking, I thinking you are right.总的说来,我认为你是对的。Generally speaking,口语中常用以表示总的来说,一般而言。5. He is good at speaking in public.他在擅长於在众人前演说。To be good at something,擅长某事物也。6. They are not on speaking terms.他们见面都不说话。Not to be on speaking terms有两1.没有往来、2.闹翻了装作不认识。7. He is up to his neck, so to speak, in debt.他可以说债积及颈,so to speak,可以说(是)。Up to one's neck,深陷其中也。
say是及物动词。后面接什么即say sth. 意为“说”“Can you say the word in English?
talk 是为不及物动词,后面接about式to 等介词,意为谈论 We are talking about the story book.
speak为及物动词用词组为speak 直接加语言 如:speak English/Chinese为不及物动词时speak at the meeting 在会上发言。


【问】 编辑老师,您好,我做练习时遇到这样一道选择题,我不明白为什么答案是B,而不是C 呢?(安徽合肥 高爽)
— What did you think of his lecture?
— He ________ for two hours but didn't ________ much.
A. spoke; speak B. spoke; say
C. ...


【问】 编辑老师,您好,我做练习时遇到这样一道选择题,我不明白为什么答案是B,而不是C 呢?(安徽合肥 高爽)
— What did you think of his lecture?
— He ________ for two hours but didn't ________ much.
A. spoke; speak B. spoke; say
C. said; speak D. said; say
【答】 你好,高爽同学,首先让我们一起区分一下speak和say。speak用作不及物动词时,侧重于说话的动作本身,而不涉及讲话的内容。从小孩说话到发表演说,都可以用speak这个词。如:
1. My little cousin hasn't learned to speak yet. 我的小外甥还没有学会说话。
2. Could I speak to Mary, please? 请问我可以和玛丽说话吗?
3. The voice president spoke for an hour at the meeting. 副总经理在会上讲了一个小时。
当speak 接表示语言的词语,如:English, Japanese, French等,作及物动词。如:
Tom can speak Chinese. 汤姆能说汉语。
say侧重所说的内容,它几乎总带有宾语〔名词、代词、从句(包括直接引语和间接引语)〕。你说的试题中much便是say的宾语,speak是不能带此类宾语的,所以不能选择C 项。如:
1. She says (that) she is busy now. 她说她现在很忙。
2. What did he say? 他说什么?
3. I think we can say it's a “ball”. 我想我们可以把它说成一个“球”。
4. “I must go now,” he says. 他说:“我现在必须走了”。
tell - to tell someone
I will tell you about the date later.
speak- to say something
If you want to say something then speak.
Talk- a chat between poeple
Stop talking you two
Say- like speak
Just say the word!

