
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 11:57:56


I 'll never forget you and our co-experience in the classroom or in our shool playground.
Although we may go to a diffferent school and will have diferent teachers and classmates,I believe that our friendship will not fade at all just because of our separation.
Every one must have his own life and there is no friends that can be together forever,only what can defend the time is the most cherished friendship that belongs to us all.
Faced with the separation,we don't need to be sad as we know we will live a wonderful life in a new and unknown place,maybe when you get some excellent achievments,I truly believe that I will be the first man to be told and I will be the first man to send congratulation to you.
Best wishes for you!

.急求一篇初中毕业给最好的同学写一段毕业留言英语作文80个字 求一篇作文,名字是《给同学的一封信》就是快毕业了给同学写的那种. 同学聚会教师邀请函怎么写?82届毕业的初中同学要给老师发邀请函,最好有具体文章! 请你以班长的名义写一段毕业寄语急 写小学毕业赠言,给帮助过我的同学 毕业赠言给同学 快初中毕业了,写一篇回忆初中生活的作文,600字 急求一篇作文《今夜无眠》600字,我初中还没毕业 毕业留言给同学需要几句毕业留言,最好又短又新奇一点, 为同学写毕业赠言 关于小学毕业要对同学说心里话的写事的作文急 小学毕业的时候适合唱给老师的歌曲.还有可以一起和同学唱的歌,最好十是要励志的的求你们了.快要小学毕业,有什么适合唱的歌,最好多几首啦多一点啊.要励志的 英语作文.初中生活即将结束,新的生活即将开启,请你为你最好的朋友写一段毕业留言.要点如下:他给你...英语作文.初中生活即将结束,新的生活即将开启,请你为你最好的朋友写一段毕业留言 给老师写毕业赠言 小学毕业前给老师的一封信写一篇作文 不要写什么事例 也不要抄 写给同学的毕业留言 给六年级毕业的同学写一封信(作文六年级水平 500字)越快越好要有6年级写作水平,不要滥竽充数的 急啊!写的好在加分 用英语给即将毕业的同学写一封信