my wallet was nowhere to be found.这是什么句式结构?尤其是My wallet was nowhere这一部分

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 14:47:01

my wallet was nowhere to be found.这是什么句式结构?尤其是My wallet was nowhere这一部分
my wallet was nowhere to be found.这是什么句式结构?尤其是My wallet was nowhere这一部分

my wallet was nowhere to be found.这是什么句式结构?尤其是My wallet was nowhere这一部分
这个句子的意思是我的钱包没地儿能找到,即我的钱包到处都找不到.My wallet是主语,nowhere to be found 是宾语从句,nowhere是从句的引导词.这个句型与I don't know where to go.是一样的

My wallet was nowhere这一部分指“我的钱包在不知道什么地方”后来的“to be found”放在nowhere 后面表示修饰,“那个找不到的地方”。应该是表语从句那么nowhere在这里是什么词性?是副词还是形容词?“nowhere“相当于My wallet was on the table.这个差不多例句里面的"on the table"部分。表示方位的副词词组。...


My wallet was nowhere这一部分指“我的钱包在不知道什么地方”后来的“to be found”放在nowhere 后面表示修饰,“那个找不到的地方”。应该是表语从句


My wallet was ____.I can't find it anywhere. my wallet was nowhere to be found.这是什么句式结构?尤其是My wallet was nowhere这一部分 改错句子 I really don't know where it was I left my wallet.怎么改? 修改英语病句 I was glad.I find a wallet on my way home. I was glad .I find a wallet on my way home . 指出错误并改正 请翻译:I was driving along the motorway when my car broke wallet. ( )I was shopping,a thief stole my wallet A While B Where C After D Until my wallet was lose .l can't find it anywhere的汉译文 ( )I was shopping,a thief stole my wallet A While B Where C After D Until while I was having a cup of tea,someone stole my wallet译成中文 While I was having a cup of tea, someone stole my wallet.翻成汉语 while I was having a cup of tea,someone stole my wallet译中文, 英语翻译my friend,iopened my wallet and foundit was empty.Reached into my pocket and found few coins.Searched my lifeandifound you.Then,irealized how richiwas! 选择填空.I was unhappy because I( )my wallet.A.lose B.found C.dropped D.lost It was then that I suddenly realized I didn't bring my wallet.这句句子的结构是什么? It was on my way to school this morning ----I picked up the wallet.填什么连词 翻译 Her heart is not adhere on me ,my heart is fall nowher.请翻译全面一些.. 帮忙分析一下英文句子,很简单~I had my wallet stolen yesterday. 和 my wallet was stolen yesterday有什么区别?为什么用 I had?怎样用这个句型?