The drug children are addicted___thought to be net A to be B to being C to is Dat is为啥选c

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 18:22:21

The drug children are addicted___thought to be net A to be B to being C to is Dat is为啥选c
The drug children are addicted___thought to be net A to be B to being C to is Dat is

The drug children are addicted___thought to be net A to be B to being C to is Dat is为啥选c
D rebuilding
The old temple completely destroyed in the fire needs rebuilding.
sth needs doing某事需要被做 相当于sth needs to be done
如:My computer needs repairing.我的电脑需要修理

be addicted to 后面应该是跟名词,所以选to being
to 后面要跟名词形式啊,being是动名词

the drug store 中文翻译 There ar many children play in the park 这句话对吗 drug prescription drug nonprescription drug over the counter是什么意思啊 The drug children are addicted___thought to be net A to be B to being C to is Dat is为啥选c Ar You The One What is the effect of drug abuse? The children. The children drug candidate 意思医学中常出现,drug candidate,indication discovery,the statement is not historical The patient has ____to the drug and is recovering quickly the second month long national anti drug abuse campaign 英语翻译On June 1st day,all children are very happy.On that day ,we don‘t go to school.Most of the children will go to the park.In the park,some children are flying kites,some are playing football,and some are playing a game.In the sky,there ar drug temptation 还是 the tempation of drug?exhaust emission 还是 emission of exhaust?后面的不对么 the__side effects of the drug are drug are unknown.A proficient b efficient c potentiald sufficient为什么选C, 模仿例句提问并回答.例句:his shoes/(dirty)/clean回答:Aen his shoes dirty ar clean?请按照上面例句回答下面两个.1:the children /(tired)/thirsty2:the hairdressers/(thin)/fat 英语翻译mismatches.2223CDS systems associated with CPOE typically have attempted to use drug–drug interactions,or more recently drug–laboratory interactions,to reduce medication errors.The drug–problem list alerts described here attempt to .As the drug took ___ the patient become.As the drug took ___ the patient become quieter.A.force B.effect C.action D.influence请求答案啊