谁帮我做做这些英语题二、词汇和语法结构(30道小题,共30分)1、On hearing his cry,the thief took a ______ from the windows and then escaped out of sight.(1分)A、leakB、leapC、lead D、lean2、She decided to ______ the

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 21:21:23

谁帮我做做这些英语题二、词汇和语法结构(30道小题,共30分)1、On hearing his cry,the thief took a ______ from the windows and then escaped out of sight.(1分)A、leakB、leapC、lead D、lean2、She decided to ______ the
1、On hearing his cry,the thief took a ______ from the windows and then escaped out of sight.(1分)
A、leakB、leapC、lead D、lean
2、She decided to ______ the study of art after obtaining her master’s degree.(1分)
A、do B、follow C、pursue D、chase
3、______ you may think,I’m going ahead with my plans.(1分)
A、Whatever B、WhatC、ThatD、Although
4、It was luck that you reminded me ______ my meeting with Jones.(1分)
5、Whether they can finish the task before this Friday depends on which method they will ______ to the experiment.(1分)
A、adapt B、adopt C、add D、address
6、______ these measures,Chinese government also tried their best to reduce the price of it.(1分)
A、Addition to B、In additionC、AdditionallyD、In addition to
7、If he ______ tourists for his business,he would have to close his shop.(1分)
A、depends on B、had depended on C、depends withD、had depended with
8、Only the person who has the letter of invitation has______ the party.(1分)
A、access toB、ability to C、key to D、solution to
9、Because we are tired of the boring ______,we are planning to make some change.(1分)
10、Companies are struggling to find the right ______ between supply and demand,but it is no easy task.(1分)

谁帮我做做这些英语题二、词汇和语法结构(30道小题,共30分)1、On hearing his cry,the thief took a ______ from the windows and then escaped out of sight.(1分)A、leakB、leapC、lead D、lean2、She decided to ______ the


谁帮我做做这些英语题二、词汇和语法结构(30道小题,共30分)1、On hearing his cry,the thief took a ______ from the windows and then escaped out of sight.(1分)A、leakB、leapC、lead D、lean2、She decided to ______ the 帮我做做题, 帮我做做英语作业, 高数题,谁帮我做做, 谁帮我做做这几道题. 帮我做做几道英语题吧,----------------------------------------------------------------------- 帮我做做英语题(26-32) 谁 天才 帮我做做这第17和18两题?谁 天才 帮我做做这第17和18两题? 谁帮我做做英语题自考大专的 练习题 两套吧 可以远程协助帮我做 谁帮我做下大学英语精读一作业二 词汇与结构(2 3)第三部分:词汇与结构(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)1.Don't push,let's get on the bus_____.A on turn B in turn C by turn D turn by turn 2.They have done ____ 好心人.帮我做做题给好评 求英语初一初二的语法和词汇题 英语 帮我找词汇 大家帮我分析一下这个英语句子的结构和语法,1.Seeing from the hilltop,I find the beatiful scene.这是语法结构?这是什么语法结构,漏写了“什么” 求大学英语三级词汇和语法. 我这里还有一份英语试卷,谁帮我做下,词汇和语法 1.My teacher was ________ in her praise of any of my progress.A active B generous C different D general 词汇和语法 2.The region has plenty of coal resources ________ lacks (缺少 帮我看看这些高一数学题帮我做做啊,把题号和答案写纸上,主要是11题,12题,13题的第二问,最好全做!写纸上插图给我,和最后一题! 英语高手们 帮我做做这倒阅读题吧