the comments of Mark Twain's Advice to Youth小女子感激不尽 400词左右

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 11:03:56

the comments of Mark Twain's Advice to Youth小女子感激不尽 400词左右
the comments of Mark Twain's Advice to Youth
小女子感激不尽 400词左右

the comments of Mark Twain's Advice to Youth小女子感激不尽 400词左右
"Advice To youth" by Mark Twain is basically a short little composition that he was asked to write to the youth's of America.Basically it was just meant to be something to be educational and useful in life.I think that what he said back then is just as true today as it was back then when he wrote it.
He starts off by saying that you should always listen to what your parents say even if you don't agree because if you try to rebel against them you'll just get into an argument and after being punished you'll be forced to do what they said anyway.It doesn't matter if you're right or not just listen to them; you'll save yourself ...
...of it they wouldn't be able to do anything with it.
He then starts talking about how you should read allot,but that you should be careful of what you choose to read.He says you should only read good books having to do with religion.Reading is always a good thing to do.However,in today's society most people are agnostic so reading about religious topics is something they wouldn't do under normal circumstances.People should read anything whether comic books,manga,manuals,how to guides or whatever.It's all better then watching television.
He then says that if you listen to his advise you will be a good person.I agree with his statement