
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 18:19:34


1.Wheather estabilish a new club,we have different idea.
2.I can't say clearly,but the piano is strange.
3.He is very interested in foreign culture and read lots of book to get some useful message usually.
1.We have a big disagreement about whether we should establish a new league.
2.There is something wrong with the paino ,but I can't tell clearly or fairly.
3.He is so curious about foreign cultures,so he often read books in order to find something useful
1.We have great a disagreement on whether we should set up a new league.
2.There is something wrong with the paino that I can't tell clearly.
3.He is so curious about foreign culture that he often read books in order to find something useful.

1.Wheather estabilish a new club,we have different idea.
2.I can't say clearly,but the piano is strange.
3.He is very interested in foreign culture and read lots of book to get some useful message usually.

1 We have different attitudes towards whether we should found a new combo/league or not.
2 There is something wrong with the paino but i can't express it in detail/distinctly.
3 He is addicted to foreign culture, and therefore he often read various books to get something useful.

1.We have a big disagreement about whether we should establish a new league.
2.There is something wrong with the paino ,but I can't tell clearly or fairly.
3.He is so curious about foreign cultures,so he often read books in order to find something useful.

1.We have great a disagreement on whether we should set up a new league.
2.There is something wrong with the paino that I can't tell clearly.
3.He is so curious about foreign culture that he often read books in order to find something useful.

英语翻译1.在是否要创办一个新社团的问题上,我们意见很不一致.2.这钢琴有些不对劲,但是我无法说清楚.3.他对外国文化怀有浓厚的兴趣,经常博览群书以寻找有用的信息. 洋务运动创办的新式学堂,“新”在何处? 要给社团的招新活动写一篇通讯稿,想拟一个优雅一点的题目. 新青年创办的新时代是什么 社团招新的宣传单怎么弄 什么是社团的文化 一个社团的文化体现在哪些方面 一般可用哪些形容词来形容一个社团的文化特色 我要参加一个社团,需要一个简短的自我介绍, 欧文创办新和谐公社的目的是什么RT...不要复制一大段在这里- - 介绍一个社团英语有英语翻译 英语翻译1.我们应该考虑顾客的需求.2.他在1964年创办了那家企业.3.我们要充分利用邮政网这个优势开发新业务.4 我们的物流业务不仅仅包括运送货物.5.Now in its fourth year,the British Post Office’s C 荣氏兄弟在上海创办的福新面粉公司是什么性质的企业?为什么会在1912年创办呢? 高分求帮忙想一个社团招新宣传标语!我们 新心英语 社团准备招新,大家帮忙想一个招新的标语,中文或英文或中英结合皆可 【英语翻译】我面临了一个新的问题 京师大学堂哪年创办的,是否在科举制度废除之前? 过去的工作经历如何?或在学校是否参加过校社团组织活动? 足球社团招新宣传单要简洁明了的~两百字就ok了 地理社团名称要社团名称的寓意 羽毛球社团组长学期总结怎么办啊,完啦,总结一贯是结不出的,现在要在全社团总结,