反义疑问句:I heared that no changes take place at your school,( )it 括号内应该填had 还是did...为什么?最好把语法知识点也讲一下I heared that no changes had taken place at your school,( )it

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 15:22:02

反义疑问句:I heared that no changes take place at your school,( )it 括号内应该填had 还是did...为什么?最好把语法知识点也讲一下I heared that no changes had taken place at your school,( )it
反义疑问句:I heared that no changes take place at your school,( )it
括号内应该填had 还是did...为什么?最好把语法知识点也讲一下
I heared that no changes had taken place at your school,( )it

反义疑问句:I heared that no changes take place at your school,( )it 括号内应该填had 还是did...为什么?最好把语法知识点也讲一下I heared that no changes had taken place at your school,( )it
这句话属于翻译疑问句,no属于否定词,所以“I heared that no changes take place at your school”属于否定句.根据“前否后肯”也就是前一个句子否定,疑问部分肯定,所以用did.
而用did的原因是“I heared that no changes take place at your school”这部分是过去式,所以用did

I 【heard】 that no changes take place at your school,( did)it【they???】 ?
no changes→否定句

【heard】 that no changes take place at your school,( did)it【they???】 ?
no changes→否定句

你原句中应该是took吧 did