根据释义写出相应的单词和短语1 as much or as many as sb needs orwants2 fight with words;to disagree in words3 all right4 perhaps5 first;of a new type6 to be unsuccessful7 a set of rooms rented for living in8 have something or somebody as

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 03:55:00

根据释义写出相应的单词和短语1 as much or as many as sb needs orwants2 fight with words;to disagree in words3 all right4 perhaps5 first;of a new type6 to be unsuccessful7 a set of rooms rented for living in8 have something or somebody as
1 as much or as many as sb needs orwants
2 fight with words;to disagree in words
3 all right
4 perhaps
5 first;of a new type
6 to be unsuccessful
7 a set of rooms rented for living in
8 have something or somebody as one of a group

根据释义写出相应的单词和短语1 as much or as many as sb needs orwants2 fight with words;to disagree in words3 all right4 perhaps5 first;of a new type6 to be unsuccessful7 a set of rooms rented for living in8 have something or somebody as
1 enough
2 riticize
3 ok
4 maybe
5 original
6 false
7 apartment /flat
8 make a team

根据释义写出相应的单词或短语1_________as much as or as many as sb.needs or wants2_________fight with words;to disagree in words3_________all right4_________perhaps5_________first;of a new type6_________to be unsuccessful7_________a set 根据释义写出相应的单词和短语1 as much or as many as sb needs orwants2 fight with words;to disagree in words3 all right4 perhaps5 first;of a new type6 to be unsuccessful7 a set of rooms rented for living in8 have something or somebody as 根据释义写出相应的单词或短语as much or as many as somebody need or wants.fight with words;to disagree in words.first;of a new type.have something or somebody as one of agroup. as much .many as you need 根据释义写出相应单词 a person whose job is to sing songs 根据英文释义写出相应的单词 feel with the hands and fingers 根据英文释义写出相应的单词 英语翻译Try to do the same as the others这句的单词我都认识,但它的和COPY意思是一样,我不理解,C)词语释义:根据释义及词首字母写出相应的单词。11.m______ one thousand.12.c______ try to do the same as the othe 英语急问问!请大家在10分钟之内答复,有急用根据释义写出相应的单词或短语.1.( )as much or as sb.needs or wants2.( )fight with words;to disagree in words3.( )all right4.( )perhaps5.( )first;of a new type6.( )to be unsuccessf 一.根据释义写出相应的单词或短语1.___________first;of a new type2.___________a set of rooms rented for living in3.___________have something or somebody as one of a group二.根据提示完成句子1.The _____ ______(色彩鲜艳的灯 根据释义,在括号里写出相应的词语. a person who enters a competitian[根据英文释义写出相应单词]请用中文回答 根据释义和所给首字母提示写出单词 释义the power to do ,think ,say or write as one pleases 首字母是f快 as much or as many sa sb.needs or wants请写出相应的单词或短语 根据释义写出相应的词语或短语.---------1.one sixtieth part of one hour 还有一个啦 .是人教版的 英语暑假作业本里有的 根据释义写出正确的单词 become,make different.c------- 根据释义写出相应的词语或短语.---------1.as much or as many as sb.needs or wants ---------2.fight with words;to disagree in words ---------3.all right ---------4.perhaps---------5.first;of a new type---------6.to be unsuccessfui ------ 根据英语释义和所给首字母,写出相应单词i____ 释义:make or become greater in size,number,etc.c_____ 释义:giving comfort to the body.s_____ 释义:of a certain sort or not common.s_____ 释义:bigness or smallness.e_____ 释义:thin 根据所给释义即首字母写出对应的单词释义:not often 首字母:s 单词:释义:help 首字母:a 单词:释义:talk about something 首字母:d 单词:释义:not oass 首字母:f 单词:释义:a very clever chi