下面是我的作文,希望大家有什么想法或者建议能提出来,My New Year PlanThis year is really special for me.I come to new school,living alone and studying with people I don't know.In other words,it is a new start for me.I think the m

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 23:12:12

下面是我的作文,希望大家有什么想法或者建议能提出来,My New Year PlanThis year is really special for me.I come to new school,living alone and studying with people I don't know.In other words,it is a new start for me.I think the m
My New Year Plan
This year is really special for me.I come to new school,living alone and studying with people I don't know.In other words,it is a new start for me.I think the most important thing in here should be study really hard.Maybe it would be sounded ridiculous but it is true for a person like me who failed in high school comparing to those people I’m studying with.Now I got my destination and I should to find my own way to achieve it.
First of all,I will finish everything that teacher asked.Secondly,I’m planning to read some books that are helpful to my life.Last,I think basically sports are needed,so I would continue playing tennis in my spare time.These three aims seems easy but it can be very difficult when I trying to achieve them all.It needs perseverance which is missing from myself.
Just as churchill said,“never give in,never never never.”

下面是我的作文,希望大家有什么想法或者建议能提出来,My New Year PlanThis year is really special for me.I come to new school,living alone and studying with people I don't know.In other words,it is a new start for me.I think the m
thing in here should be study really hard--------in,study incorrectly used
would be sounded ridiculous ----- would sound ridiculous
got my destination ---unclear
should to find ----no to
finish everything that teacher asked-------improper collocation

下面是我的作文,希望大家有什么想法或者建议能提出来,My New Year PlanThis year is really special for me.I come to new school,living alone and studying with people I don't know.In other words,it is a new start for me.I think the m 怎样才能当上考古学家或者历史学家?有什么要求?需要通过什么测试?这是我的理想,希望大家帮我, 大家觉得世界上有外星人吗我对这事很困惑哦,希望大家告诉我你们的想法,OK? 面对下面的桥,你有什么想法?你有什么希望?请结合生活实际,谈谈自己的想法 桥名:祖国统一的桥 音乐能促进植物生长.那么,大家有没有在这方面想到什么呢?想法可以是给你的启发.或者在这方面可以做的小发明等等.我有个想法:就是可以在那些稀有植物周围放些音乐.促进它们的生长.这 下面句子语义是否有重复的,“提出革命性意见、建议、想法或者评论并被采纳将获得 人民币4999元整.”“意见、建议、想法、评论”有什么区别?这四个词同时用在,“提出革命性意见、建 英语!英语作文问题.我写了几篇.希望大家能帮我指导与修改一下这一片很多是抄袭的,觉得介绍汉语的魅力难道比较大.但也加了自己的想法, 六年级开学时的想法?你们六年级开学的时候有什么想法?我要写一篇作文 怎样上一堂有趣的初中英语课?第一次上课,只是试讲,但是需要吸引住学生的眼球!希望大家给出有创意的想法,能让我讲得有趣不枯燥.主要是关于课程的内容,方式,大家有什么好的意见,点子和 求2012年11月10日托福机经和作文,口语万能模板!混急~最好是小马过河或者竹子滴~大家如果有什么好的作文口语模板之类的也欢迎发给我,希望这次能考上80啦~求人品~好人一生平安,感激不尽~ iphone5s的优点或者有什么好?不要从其他地方复制上来,我要的是你们个人的见解,想法.尽量详细点,会追加分数. 我想在我们班的联欢会上表演一个节目,可惜我不知道表演什么,我没有什么特长,希望请求大家,帮我想一想,就要一个人的哦最好Telephone有视频么,或者是nobody 人生的意义是什么?请有思考或有感悟的人给我启示.我一直都为此困扰.希望大家真心说出自己的想法. 作文写一件新鲜事,大家有没有什么新的题材、想法?举例子就好了,谢啦!跪求! 你能采访一下身边的亲人,听听他们对你的暑假生活有什么希望、建议和要求吗?做好下面的记录,想一想他们为什么这么说,谁 说的话 我的想法与分析妈妈; [ ] [ ][ ] [ ] [ ][ ] [ ] [ ][ ] [ ] [ ] 英语翻译我上一封信也说过我们不知道相比现在澳洲的举办活动的费用是便宜还是昂贵,你们或者有什么其他更好的想法也提出来大家一起商量,我们想知道你们的意见.我公司现在也想知道你 希望大家可以推荐我一些比较励志一点,或者是友情方面的英文歌. 关于《我的课余生活》的作文!我要的是范文 我要的是指导 不是范文!也可以附加范文最好希望是 专业老师或者是语文好的学生 也希望听一些朋友对这个题目的理解和想法 请认真回答!回