模仿下面的句子,再写两句 the monkeys will visit the zoo in space

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 13:57:32

模仿下面的句子,再写两句 the monkeys will visit the zoo in space
模仿下面的句子,再写两句 the monkeys will visit the zoo in space

模仿下面的句子,再写两句 the monkeys will visit the zoo in space
the children will visit the school after class
the cats will catch mouses at night

句子的结构就是 主谓宾+介词短语做状语(后置)

the birds will visit the sun in sky
the frogs will visit the rainbow in air

模仿下面的句子,再写两句 the monkeys will visit the zoo in space 模仿举例子的句子 模仿例句,完成下面的句子:例句:She smiled ( ) [pleasant] She smiled pleasantly.句子:1.He read the phrase( )[slow]2.He worked ( )[lazy]3.He cut himself ( )[bad]4.He worked ( )[careful]5.The door opened ( )[sudden] 英语连线组成句子模仿下面的例句,从下面出示的单词或短语中选出适当的组后起来,写出八句.Example:He read the phrase slowly.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 模仿下面句子,选取恰当的事物,再写两句,要突出所写对象的主要特征.例句:种子,如果害怕埋没,那它就永远不能发芽. 模仿下面的句子再写两组句子.雨伞,你注定一生与乌云为伴,时时为别人遮风挡雨,却湿透你自己. 模仿下面的句子,练习造句.明明像小屋里的光线,带给了我许多快乐.仿写;------------ 模仿下面的句子,以唐诗为对象,写一段话 ,要求运用与原句相同的修饰手法 模仿下面句子,比喻和疑问遗忘是心的缝隙,漏掉了多少珍贵的昨天? 请模仿下面的句子进行续写.从低垂的谷穗上,我学会了谦虚. 模仿鼎湖山听泉的句子 例句:She goes to town every day = She went to town yesterday.模仿例句,完成下面句子She airs the room every day = She_____it this morning. 模仿下面句子的格式,另写一个句子:遗忘是心的缝隙,漏掉了多少珍贵的昨天?.比喻+疑问 模仿下面句子的格式写两个句子,形成一个排比句,表达一个中心意思假如命运撕破了你远航的风帆,不要放弃,岸还在;----------------------------------------;---------------------------------------------------. 模仿下面的句子,另写一句以人为陈述句对象的句子.刚才还是白云朵朵,阳光灿烂;一霎间却又是乌云密布,大雨倾盆. 直接引语和间接引语 mom told me ,don't tell a lie.mon said把下面句子改成宾语从句的复合句1who knocked at the door so loudly?i didn't know.i didn't know------ ------- -------at the door so loudly.2has he had breakfast? i wanted t 请模仿下面的句子,选取恰当的事物,再写两句,要突出所写对象的特征.例句:种子,如果害怕埋没,那它永远不能发芽.⑴____________________________________.⑵____________________________________. 帮忙模仿句子照下列句子模仿:亲爱的,别睡亲爱的,别哭亲爱的,别走注意是模仿句子,不是翻译句子!!还有,越多越好~