英文简述这位 GREAT MAN 生平( 200 要素:人物:此人1898年3月5日生,字翔宇.小名,大鸾.曾用名飞飞、伍豪、少山、冠生等.原籍浙江绍兴,生于江苏淮安.(百度把其名讳给禁了郁闷)类型:伟人要带感情,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 16:16:41

英文简述这位 GREAT MAN 生平( 200 要素:人物:此人1898年3月5日生,字翔宇.小名,大鸾.曾用名飞飞、伍豪、少山、冠生等.原籍浙江绍兴,生于江苏淮安.(百度把其名讳给禁了郁闷)类型:伟人要带感情,
英文简述这位 GREAT MAN 生平( 200
要带感情,简短 字数200-260 字内..
在此强烈鄙视B/..D 吞我了 1000
第 4次发帖
相关联结,我以为...没想到第3 次居然审核过了 感慨

英文简述这位 GREAT MAN 生平( 200 要素:人物:此人1898年3月5日生,字翔宇.小名,大鸾.曾用名飞飞、伍豪、少山、冠生等.原籍浙江绍兴,生于江苏淮安.(百度把其名讳给禁了郁闷)类型:伟人要带感情,
以下是我自己整理的 包括简介 事迹 品质 兴趣 缺陷 等 你看看有没有用吧
Born March 5,1898 Jiangsu Huai An,Zhou Enlai is the previous premier of the People's Republic of China .He was a great leader in the history of China.Most of people in China are respectful to him and cherish the memory to him very much.
He survived 60 years of revolutionary turmoil,five civil wars,two World Wars and 12 years of Japanese invasion.His adroitness and resilience saw him through upheavals like Mao Zedong's Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution.He emerged from these epochal events not only intact but enhanced in status.Though an infallible survivor,bending with the winds of political change to weather the many storms of his career,he was at the same time a principled revolutionary and remained a loyal communist throughout his life.
Being a great man ,he has many characters that superior than normal people.Having a clear purpose and agreat goal in his life ,he trained himself to be a man with courage ,vision and activism.Though experienced the most rough time like the Long March ,he had firm will and never gave up and always used his wisdom to overcome all kinds of difficulties.
As a leader,the one who is worshiped by the whole country,Premier zhou has broad interests ,such as reading ,doing exercise ,dancing and so on.,and he is a well known great diplomat.
Everyone including giants has his own personality weakness.Zhou was,too.Generally,Zhou wasn’t a decisive leader.His weakness made him reject the disaster of the Cultural Revolution unfirmly and uneffectively.
Died by the bladder cancer in 1976,he donated his health to the country’s development If he lived for a longer time ,it's sure that he will bring more benefits for his citizens and the china’s history.His death is a tremendous loss of the chinese.

人物:此人1898年3月5日生《Character: This person on March 5, 1898 was born 》字翔宇。小名,大鸾《 The character flies in circles the space. Childhood name, big luan. 》 曾用名飞飞、伍豪、少山、冠生等《 The used name flies, Wu Hao, the fe...


人物:此人1898年3月5日生《Character: This person on March 5, 1898 was born 》字翔宇。小名,大鸾《 The character flies in circles the space. Childhood name, big luan. 》 曾用名飞飞、伍豪、少山、冠生等《 The used name flies, Wu Hao, the few mountains, the crown to live and so on 》原籍浙江绍兴,生于江苏淮安《The ancestral home Zhejiang Shaoxing, was born in the Jiangsu Huai An》







Zhou Enlai (pinyin: Zhōu Ēnlái; Wade-Giles: Chou En-lai) (5 March 1898 – 8 January 1976) was the first Premier of the People's Republic of China, serving from October 1949 until his death in Janu...


Zhou Enlai (pinyin: Zhōu Ēnlái; Wade-Giles: Chou En-lai) (5 March 1898 – 8 January 1976) was the first Premier of the People's Republic of China, serving from October 1949 until his death in January 1976. Zhou was instrumental in the Communist Party's rise to power, and subsequently in the construction of the People's Republic of China economy and restructuring of Chinese society.
A skilled and able diplomat, Zhou served as the Chinese foreign minister from 1949 to 1958. Advocating peaceful coexistence with the West, he participated in the 1954 Geneva Conference and helped orchestrate Richard Nixon's 1972 visit to China. Due to his expertise, Zhou was largely able to survive the purges of high-level Chinese Communist Party officials during the Cultural Revolution. His attempts at mitigating the Red Guard's damage and his efforts to protect others from their wrath made him immensely popular in the Revolution's later stages.
As Mao Zedong's health began to decline in 1971 and 1972, Zhou and the Gang of Four struggled internally over leadership of China. Zhou's health was also failing however, and he died eight months before Mao on 8 January 1976. The massive public outpouring of grief in Beijing turned to anger towards the Gang of Four, leading to the Tiananmen Incident. Deng Xiaoping, Zhou's ally and successor as Premier, was able to outmaneuver the Gang of Four politically and eventually take Mao's place as Paramount Leader.
Early life
Zhou Enlai was born to a well-educated couple in 1898 or 1899 in Zhejiang, and spent most of his early years in Huai'an, Jiangsu. His education included the Chinese Classics and, later, the prestigious Tianjin Nankai High School. From there, he studied at Waseda and Nippon universities in Japan, and later attended Nankai University in Tianjin.
[edit] Revolutionary activities
A young Zhou Enlai (1919)
Zhou first came to national prominence as an activist during the May Fourth Movement. He had enrolled as a student in the literature department of Nankai University, which enabled him to visit the campus, but he never attended classes. He became one of the organizers of the Tianjin Students Union, whose avowed aim was “to struggle against the warlords and against imperialism, and to save China from extinction." Zhou became the editor of the student union’s newspaper, Tianjin Student. In September, he founded the Awareness Society with twelve men and eight women. Fifteen year old Deng Yingchao, Enlai’s future wife, was one of the founding female members. (They were married on 8 August 1925). Zhou was instrumental in the merger between the all male Tianjin Students Union and the all female Women’s Patriotic Association.
In January 1920, the police raided the printing press and arrested several members of the Awareness Society. Enlai led a group of students to protest the arrests, and was himself arrested along with 28 others. After the trial in July, they were found guilty of a minor offense and released. An attempt was made by the Comintern to induct Zhou into the Communist Party of China, but although he was studying Marxism he remained uncommitted. Instead of being selected to go to Moscow for training, he was chosen to go to France as a student organizer. Deng Yingchao was left in charge of the Awareness Society in his absence.
Death and reactions
Zhou was hospitalized in 1974 for bladder cancer, but continued to conduct work from the hospital, with Deng Xiaoping as the First Deputy Premier handling most of the important State Council matters. Zhou died on the morning of 8 January 1976, aged 77. He died eight months before Mao Zedong. Zhou's death brought messages of condolences from many non-aligned states that he affected during his tenure as an effective diplomat and negotiator on the world stage, and many states saw his death as a terrible loss. At the United Nations session of the year the flag was also lowered to half-mast in commemoration of Premier Zhou. Zhou's body was cremated and the ashes scattered by air over hills and valleys, according to his wishes.
Inside China, the infamous Gang of Four had seen Zhou's death as an effective step forward in their political maneuvering, as the last major challenge was now gone in their plot to seize absolute power. At Zhou's funeral, Deng Xiaoping delivered the official eulogy, but later he was forced out of politics until after Mao's death.
Because Zhou was very popular with the people, many rose in spontaneous expressions of mourning across China, which the Gang considered to be dangerous, as they feared people might use this opportunity to express hatred towards them. During the Tiananmen Incident in April 1976, the Gang of Four tried to suppress mourning for the "Beloved Premier", which resulted in rioting. Anti-Gang of Four poetry was found on some wreaths that were laid, and all wreaths were subsequently taken down at the Monument to the People's Heroes. These actions, however, only further enraged the people. Thousands of armed soldiers repressed the people’s protest in Tiananmen Square, and hundreds of people were arrested. The Gang of Four blamed Deng Xiaoping for the movement and temporarily removed him from all his official positions.
Since his death, a memorial hall has been dedicated to Zhou and Deng Yingchao in Tianjin, named Tianjin Zhou Enlai Deng Yingchao Memorial Hall, and there was a statue erected in Nanjing, where in the 1940s he worked with the Kuomintang. There was an issue of national stamps commemorating the first anniversary of his death in 1977, and another in 1998 to commemorate his 100th birthday.
Zhou Enlai is regarded as a skilled negotiator, a master of policy implementation, a devoted revolutionary, and a pragmatic statesman with infinite patience and an unusual attentiveness to detail and nuance. He was also known for his tireless and dedicated work ethic, and his unusual charm and poise in public. He is reputedly the last Mandarin bureaucrat in the Confucian tradition. Zhou's political behaviour should be viewed in light of his political philosophy as well as his personality. To a large extent, Zhou epitomized the paradox inherent in a communist politician with traditional Chinese upbringing: at once conservative and radical, pragmatic and ideological, possessed by a belief in order and harmony as well as a faith in the progressive power of rebellion and revolution.
Though a firm believer in the Communist ideal on which the People's Republic was founded, Zhou is widely believed to have moderated the excesses of Mao's radical policies within the limits of his power. It has been assumed that he protected imperial and religious sites of cultural significance (such as the Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet) from the Tibetan Red Guards, and shielded top-level leaders as well as many academics and artists from purges.


Zhou Enlai (5 March 1898 – 8 January 1976) was the first Premier of the People's Republic of China, serving from October 1949 until his death in January 1976. Zhou was instrumental in the Communist Pa...


Zhou Enlai (5 March 1898 – 8 January 1976) was the first Premier of the People's Republic of China, serving from October 1949 until his death in January 1976. Zhou was instrumental in the Communist Party's rise to power, and subsequently in the construction of the People's Republic of China economy and restructuring of Chinese society.
A skilled and able diplomat, Zhou served as the Chinese foreign minister from 1949 to 1958. Advocating peaceful coexistence with the West, he participated in the 1954 Geneva Conference and helped orchestrate Richard Nixon's 1972 visit to China. Due to his expertise, Zhou was largely able to survive the purges of high-level Chinese Communist Party officials during the Cultural Revolution. His attempts at mitigating the Red Guard's damage and his efforts to protect others from their wrath made him immensely popular in the Revolution's later stages.
As Mao Zedong's health began to decline in 1971 and 1972, Zhou and the Gang of Four struggled internally over leadership of China. Zhou's health was also failing however, and he died eight months before Mao on 8 January 1976. The massive public outpouring of grief in Beijing turned to anger towards the Gang of Four, leading to the Tiananmen Incident. Deng Xiaoping, Zhou's ally and successor as Premier, was able to outmaneuver the Gang of Four politically and eventually take Mao's place as Paramount Leader.


Zhou Enlai was the most popular leader in China during the 20th century. Even among the madness during the Cultural Revolution, he continued to make an effort to pursue democratic ideas, while at the...


Zhou Enlai was the most popular leader in China during the 20th century. Even among the madness during the Cultural Revolution, he continued to make an effort to pursue democratic ideas, while at the same time supporting leaders like Mao.
He exercised his diplomatic skill to open China rather than isolate it from the rest of the world. In turn, he brought China into a period of stable economic vitality , and many nations throughout the world cheered, as they could now trade their goods and services.
In 1898, Zhou was bon in Huaian, Jiangsu province. His childhood is said to have been an unhappy time of his life. Four months after his birth, he was adopted . Shortly after that his new foster father died. In 1907, when he was nine years old, his mother died, and his foster mother died.
The despair and poverty brought the family to new lows. Zhou often worked the fields to secure food for his family. In 1910, when he was ten years old, he left Huaian and went to Manchuria 满洲(我国东北的旧称)). He studied academics there, and had excellent grades most of the time. In those days, he learned politics, which had a deep impact on his life. When he was fifteen years old, he began middle school in Tianjin. During his four-year stay there he surrounded himself in books, sports, and political movements. From ages 17 to 19, he studied at Japan.

