句型转换.The man gave the money to the shopkeeper for the cake.(改为同义句)The man ________ __________ the cake.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 21:11:28

句型转换.The man gave the money to the shopkeeper for the cake.(改为同义句)The man ________ __________ the cake.
句型转换.The man gave the money to the shopkeeper for the cake.(改为同义句)
The man ________ __________ the cake.

句型转换.The man gave the money to the shopkeeper for the cake.(改为同义句)The man ________ __________ the cake.
The man paid for the cake.

The cake was given to the man for the money by the shopkeeper

The man give the shopkeeper the money for the cake

The man ___paid_____ _____for_____ the cake.

顶楼上 小女孩一转眼成大姑娘了呃

The shopkeeper got the money for the cake from the man

句型转换.The man gave the money to the shopkeeper for the cake.(改为同义句) 句型转换.The man gave the money to the shopkeeper for the cake.(改为同义句)The man ________ __________ the cake. 句型转换he gave up the job because he was ill he gave up the job___his illness 句型转换someone gave me your present the day before yesterday改成以I开头 Yesterday they gave the wounded man operation 将这句话转换成定语从句 【句型转换】I enjoyed {your article} in the magazine.(就{}部分提问) ----- ----- you ----- in th 句型转换1.The man gave the money to theshopkeeper for the cake.(该为同义句)The man ( ) ( ) the cake.2.My father got up early this morning.He could catch the first train.(合并为一句)My father got up early this morning.( )( )h 句型转换:The young man said nothingThe young man said nothingThe young man had nothing ______ ______ 英语句型转换 一些我不会的题.说明理由、好的有分The young man stole a purse from the tourist (划线部分提问)________ ________ the young man ________ from the tourist?the boy didn’t answer the question in class (同义句)th 按要求句型转换.The old man died 3 years ago.(同义句) 按要求句型转换.The old man died 3 years ago.(同义句) The man seen by us yesterday is Professor Smith. 句型转换 句型转换:Who is the man without hair?(同义句)Whe is the man without hair?Whe is the man ______ ______ ______ hair? 句型转换,英语高手请进...1.The captain gave the order.All the passengers had to wait patiently until the ship safely reached the harbor Sydeney.The captain gave the order _____all the passengers ________ ________patiently until the ship safe 问一个初三英语句型转换I like the necklace,my mother gave it to me.(同义句)I like the necklace_____my mother _____me. the old man lost his way when he was going back home yesterday afternoon句型转换the old man _____ _____ on ____ ____ ____yesterday afternoon He is a very strong man 句型转换 同义句转换,the old man gave much money to the poorthe old man —— the poor ——much money 这是我们四科联赛的一道题。要求在横线上填上单词