Becaues of the traffic jam___I was caught,I was late for the meeting单选A by which B in which C that D.where说一下为什么这样选.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 00:22:40

Becaues of the traffic jam___I was caught,I was late for the meeting单选A by which B in which C that D.where说一下为什么这样选.
Becaues of the traffic jam___I was caught,I was late for the meeting
单选A by which B in which C that D.where

Becaues of the traffic jam___I was caught,I was late for the meeting单选A by which B in which C that D.where说一下为什么这样选.
句子中其实有个短语:caught in the traffic jam

I was caught by the traffic jam

Mike could __ hear what the teather said becaues he kept on thinking of his sick doga.easily b.hardly c.really d.mosely becaues of the continuous rain ,the river's什么 several metres and people are trapped in theirbecaues of the continuous rain ,the river's什么(上升) several metres and people are trapped in their houses Becaues of the traffic jam___I was caught,I was late for the meeting单选A by which B in which C that D.where说一下为什么这样选. The most beautiful teacher-Zhang Lili ——————(lose) her two legs for saving her students in the traff accident.Michael Jackson was the king of pop and was good at————(dance). 是because what i had said 还是 becaues of what i had siad because he had a sore throat 等于becaues of his___ _____ like,Firday,becaues,I,next,is,the,day,Saturday(.)连词成句 I love you not becaues of who you are.But because of who i am with you.这是什么意思? 英语翻译i can love you well.becaues of you lets me think very happily i hoped can always love you 1、()he( )(teach)at No.1 Middle School2、My uncle often works late becaues he has a lof of work( )(do)3/Mr Green is busy ( )(clean)the house4/The police ( )(be)looking for the last boy5/Cai Zhenhua is a famous ping-pong c_____ what can I do for himHe knows I like him and I know he likes me too.At school,he always sends me some sweets or a piece of juice.When I eat the snacks he gives me,I feel happy.But sometimes,I will feek worried,becaues I don't know what I can do for h The twins _______(catch)in the heavy rain on their way to school becaues they didn't have anyumbrella with them But that‘s becaues I was stupid enough to play football in the rain.画句子成分!还有Two years ago I broke my arm playing football! im very excited,becaues是什么意思 1.David was in the barber`s when the UFO arrived(对in the barber`s 划线提问)_ _ David when the UFO arrived2.Lily followed her father to see her mother in hospital(同义句)Lily _ _ her father to see her mother in hospital3.Tom had a traff 一道英语专四题I would have paid ( )for my bike ,if the salesman had insisted ,becaues I really wanted much again much more C.twice much D.much twice为什么不选择B? 感谢各位给我提供这些英语题的标准答案?1.Did Tom tell you to water the flowers?A. No. And so did I.B. No. And neither did IC. He did. And so I did.D. He did. An so do I.2.Hurry up please, or I’ll be late.A. Sorry sir, but the traff Most 和becaues we have different ideas.翻译