英语高手这里看 I am thirteen years old.变一般疑问句 并英语高手这里看 I am thirteen years old.变一般疑问句 并回答

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 04:10:53

英语高手这里看 I am thirteen years old.变一般疑问句 并英语高手这里看 I am thirteen years old.变一般疑问句 并回答
英语高手这里看 I am thirteen years old.变一般疑问句 并
英语高手这里看 I am thirteen years old.变一般疑问句 并回答

英语高手这里看 I am thirteen years old.变一般疑问句 并英语高手这里看 I am thirteen years old.变一般疑问句 并回答
are you thirteen years old.yes i am

Are you thirteen years old?
Yes, I am.
No, I'm not.

英语高手这里看 I am thirteen years old.变一般疑问句 并英语高手这里看 I am thirteen years old.变一般疑问句 并回答 看这里,英语怎么说? 英语be动词i am a student.这里为什么要加am 而不说成i a student是什么道理.i love you 这里又不加am‘如果说成i am love you又错在哪里? 英语高手来看看,看我这段英文的大小写有没有错?Hello,everybody.my name is Dong xi.Am glad to know you.I'm twelve years old.I very like look book and draw.thank you. 英语高手帮忙看一下有没有语法错误I am an Administrative at the currentcompany.My major job is assisting the recruiting work of HR,including but notlimited to employee registration,resignation,filing management,trainingscheduling,etc.I I am me有语法错误吗?英语高手出来答答 英语:I ,who am your good friend,will help you.这里为什么用who am 固定的么? I AM JUST I AM英语 I'm sorry,I am l( )英语:看首字母填空(本题首字母为“l”) I am Mr. Johnny Lewis, the managing director Finance Investment here in请英语高手给翻译一下,兄弟在这里谢过!不好意思,这是全部内容:I am Mr. Johnny Lewis, the managing director Finance Investment here in Jakarta Indonesia. 英语一些填词,高手进!1.why am i the last one?because i am the _ 2.i like to sleep a little _ in the morning. 英文高手帮下忙Wherever you are.I have been.Wherever I am.you will beWherever you are.I have beenWherever I am.you will be最后有直译 再加一个符合中文表达翻译先在这里谢谢了 希望高手可以帮忙看一下————一篇英语作文When I am a student in the middle school,I have a dream that have a lot of money.Of course,at first,I must have some knowledge so that I can own a place where I can have money.So I work v 英语高手们帮忙写一篇“When i am 30 的英语作文吧,十句左右就可以了,. 各位高手可以帮我看看我写的英语作文有没有语法错误?作文如下:IHello,I am xxx(名字).I am a girl.I am come from China .I am a student.I am in No.8 middle school ,I am in class3 grade 7 .I like astronomy .I think it is ver “I am feeling kind of tired”在语法上是否存在问题?英语基础不是很扎实,今天看到了一句“I am feeling kind of tired”,想请问在语法上是否有问题,这样使用是否恰当,请高手指教, 英语高手来,这里有几道初中的改错句子...有些题不只一个错误1.Those days i still am terrify of be alone.2.He doesn't used to live the city before.3.I used to have so many time to playing.4.I just don't have the time not any more 一个英语的基础语法问题.I very like you. 这里的like是谓语,very是状语,对吗?I am doing my homework,这里的谓语是am doing,对吗?He goes away.这里的谓语又是什么呢?