A thousand year part2的前几句歌词

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A thousand year part2的前几句歌词
A thousand year part2的前几句歌词

A thousand year part2的前几句歌词
The day we met 初次邂逅的那天
Frozen I held my breath 时间仿佛停止了
Right from the start 从一开始我就知道
knew that I found a home 我从此找到了归宿
for my heart beat fast

a thousand years和 a thousand year各是什么意思啊? A thousand year part2的前几句歌词 与a thousand year风格相似的英文歌 a thousand year的中文翻译歌词,sting唱的 a four-thousand-year history 与 four thousand years' history哪个对 a thousand a thousand 【初三英语】Many thousand?Many thousands of?Many ____ trees must be planted every year.A.thousand B.thousand ofC.thousands of D.thousands There are ___ visitors in the Summer Palace every year.A.about 3 thousand B.many thousands C.several thousand D.lots thousand China has ____ history.A.thousands years B.thousands year C.thousand year D.thousand of years'按照卷子上打出来的~ thousand,more,says,a,has,that,year,dreams,it,person,a,than连词成句 This is _____the league last year?A.take part inB.took part inc.joineddjoin What can be found once every minute ,twice every moment,but once in a thousand year? 谁能把Christina Perri 的 a thousand year发给我,diana_gao@163.com Nanjing is a city with many places of interest.___tourists come here every year.A.Thousand of B.Thousand C.Thousands D.Thousands of请写明理由, 数词Every year _________ foreign friends come to visit China.A.tens of thousads of B.thousand thousands ofC.thousands upon thousand D.over ten thousands How do you say the year1809?A.one eight 0 nine B.one thousand eight hundred and nineteenC.eighteen 0 nineD.one thousand eighty-nine ________ people come to Jilin to visit Mount Changbai every year.A.Thousands of B.Thousand of C.Thousands D.Thousand