用used like play quiet spend造句

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用used like play quiet spend造句
用used like play quiet spend造句

用used like play quiet spend造句

I am used to spending one hour in playing the piano in the quiet place.

i used to spend quite lot of time to play games. 如果你确定是quiet的话 可以是 i used like to stay in a quiet room to play the piano .

用used like play quiet spend造句 It's quie safe. Love Me Like You Used she ofetn feels____(relax)about the____(relax)weekends.don't make much ___,children.piease be quie.It's a_____(relax/relaxing)day .I like it. He used to play basketball every Sunday. I used to play soccer 反义疑问句 We Used To Play Together 歌词 两个英语句子语法1)I thought you liked coffe.I used to,but I don't now.为什么要used to,而不是只要used或used to like 为什么是don't,不是don't like 2)Let's play soccer,shall we?为什么前面肯定,后面还要肯定,祈使 I used to () (play) soccer,But now i play basketball Used he to play the piano?回答用Used he to play the piano?问,怎么回答呢?是不是Yes,he used to be.No,he used not to be.这样的回答太长了啊?还是Yes,he used.No,he used not. Quie without saving 应该是 quit I like to play guitar,为什么要用to she doesn't like --- (play) soccer 用play的适当形式填空 We like (play)football very much play用不用加ing like doing造句,如果主语是单三,like用加s吗The little girl------with her dolls.A.like playingB.likes to play C.like to play They like play cards.like play cards 这3个单词中哪个用错了 正确的是什么 为什么玩玩具要说I like play WITH toys,不是说I like play toys.还有那些物品需要用play with you used to be short,didn't you?1.did you use to play the piano?2.i used to really quiet.3.you used to have long hair.4.i didn't use to like test.5.she used to have curly hair.题目的序号是6.请按顺序翻译 翻译时标上序号