Scooters are popular with students in some western countries.If you don't need to take a bus to school,yuo can go by scooter.It makes your trip more interesting and exciting.In some cold countries,such as Finland(芬兰) and Iceland(冰岛),it often

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 12:02:44

Scooters are popular with students in some western countries.If you don't need to take a bus to school,yuo can go by scooter.It makes your trip more interesting and exciting.In some cold countries,such as Finland(芬兰) and Iceland(冰岛),it often
Scooters are popular with students in some western countries.
If you don't need to take a bus to school,yuo can go by scooter.It makes your trip more interesting and exciting.In some cold countries,such as Finland(芬兰) and Iceland(冰岛),it often snows.The students in town may take a school bus,but the students in villages far from the school have to go by sledge because there is snow everywhere.It takes a little longer.Sometimes,the students may be late for school.If it snows hesvily,the students can only study at home.
Guess,in which country,students may go to school by boat?的中文

Scooters are popular with students in some western countries.If you don't need to take a bus to school,yuo can go by scooter.It makes your trip more interesting and exciting.In some cold countries,such as Finland(芬兰) and Iceland(冰岛),it often
如果你实在不需要乘公车去学校,那么就用滑板车吧.滑板车 让你的行程更有趣更刺激.在一些寒冷的国家,比如芬兰和冰岛,经常下雪.小镇上的学生们会乘公车上学,但是对于距离学校很远的一些村子里的学生就需要雪橇代步,因为到处都是雪.他们需要更长时间到学校.有时候他们也许会迟到.如果雪下得很大,学生们只能呆在家里学习,猜猜哪个国家的学生乘小船上学?