meanwhile,in the meanwhile,in the meantime三者有区别吗?在用法上有什么不同吗?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 07:51:37

meanwhile,in the meanwhile,in the meantime三者有区别吗?在用法上有什么不同吗?
meanwhile,in the meanwhile,in the meantime三者有区别吗?在用法上有什么不同吗?

meanwhile,in the meanwhile,in the meantime三者有区别吗?在用法上有什么不同吗?
『最早』的时候,meanwhile的词性只是adv(副词),而meantime则只是名词; meanwhile表示一个时间段,『侧重』的是单纯的时间间隔,因此meanwile也可表示同一时刻(at the same time,一个点);而meantime也表时间段,但这个时间段的感念包含以某个事件开始~结束(后某阶段)的时间段,而且meantime不能用来表示某个时间“点”.
Today is Monday,I am going to Shanghai for a meeting this Friday,meanwhile I will continue working here in Guangzhong.--- 以纯时间为事件衡量的时间段.
I am working on my project,meanwhile staffs in Shanghai are getting the test preparation done.- 表同时.
而in the meantime = meanwhile.
Your car won't be ready until Thursday.In the meantime,you can use mine.
【但】语言的变化导致词性的变化,现代英语里meanwhile也可作名词,== meantime (meantime的另一个说法);而meantime也演化成可以做adv(副词),== meanwhile (meanwhile的另一个说法).【但】meanwile = at the same time这个时间点的意思,没有传递给meantime;而且作同样词性比较的时候,meantime还是以事件为时间分割段;而meanwhile还是以事件的时间为分割基础.
in the meanwhile,是meanwhile名词化了,= in the meantime(名词)= meanwhile.一般还是应该要么meanwhile,要么in time meantime.


in the meanwhile什么意思及同义词 in the meanwhile什么意思及同义词 meanwhile,in the meanwhile,in the meantime三者有区别吗?在用法上有什么不同吗? The train will come in an hour;____we can have lunch.A during which B meanwhile C for the meanwhile如果把;改为两个,可以选meanwhile吗? The train will come in an hour ____we can have lunch.A during which B meanwhile C for the meanwhile 英语 meanwhileI see that a car hit the other car meanwhile third car hit one in a rain day.1.meanwhile用在这句话对吗?2.that 从句用法对吗?给个用meanwhile 的句子。 The face is strange ( ) meA in B from C to顺便说明原因 英语翻译in america,meanwhile,the plans taking shape face resistance,partly from...这里的take shape face 请指教 The train will come in an hour;____we can have lunch.A during which B meanwhile C for the meanwhile D when请问选哪一个?为什么呢?为什么试卷上给的答案是A呢? 【帮忙】检查两个英语六级作文套句自己写的,帮忙检查一下语法和词汇用法.1.Meanwhile,meeting the topic,a variety of complicated consequences (it may result in) should be cast light on.Simultaneously 可以代替 Meanwhile what do the words strange and colourful mea in chinese的意思以及答句what do the words strange and colourful mea in chinese的意思最好是英文的答句! 英语连接词造句~in addition,furthermore,moreover,to begin with,thus,on the contrary ,otherwise,whereas,unless,meanwhile,in conclusion,due to,owing to,namely 电脑有好处,同时电脑也有坏处.这个“同时”,用英文怎么说?at the same time?in the mean time?meanwhile?还是别的? Meanwhile,higher risk the work is,higher the wages are. You can buy almost anything in this shop; ___ it is open all round the clock. A:meanwhile B:moreover C:otherwise D:otherwise No hurry at all.The train will come in an hour;__,we can have lunch.A.though B.meanwhile C.however D.while No hurry at all.The train will come in an hour;__,we can have l-unch.A.though B.meanwhile C.however D.while at the same time/moment,meanwhile三者有什么区别