英语翻译Too often young people get themselves employment quite by accident,not knowing what lies ahead in the way of opportunity of promotion (提升) ,happiness and security (安全) .As a result,they are employed doing jobs that afford them lit

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 08:56:44

英语翻译Too often young people get themselves employment quite by accident,not knowing what lies ahead in the way of opportunity of promotion (提升) ,happiness and security (安全) .As a result,they are employed doing jobs that afford them lit
Too often young people get themselves employment quite by accident,not knowing what lies ahead in the way of opportunity of promotion (提升) ,happiness and security (安全) .As a result,they are employed doing jobs that afford them little or no satisfaction.Our school leavers face so much competition that they seldom care what they do so long as they can earn a living.Some stay long at a job and learn to like it,others move from one to another looking for something to suit them.The young graduates who leave the university look for jobs that offer a salary up to their expectation.Very few go out into the world knowing exactly what they want and realizing their own abilities.The reason behind all this confusion (混乱) is that there never has been a proper vocational (职业) guidance in our educational institutions.Nearly all grope (摸索) in the dark and their chief concern when they look for a job is to ask what their salary is like.They never bother to think whether they are suited for the job or,even more important,whether the job suits them.
Having a job is more than merely providing yourself and your dependents with daily bread and some money for leisure and entertainment.It sets a pattern of life and,in many ways,determines social position in life,selection of friends,leisure and interests.
In choosing a career you should first consider the type of work which will suit your interest.Nothing is more pathetic (可悲) than taking on a job in which you have no interest,for it will not only discourage your desire to succeed in life but also ruin your talents and at last make you an emotional damage and a bitter person.Consideration should also be given to various aptitudes (明智).Far too many people have stores of abilities and talents that are not fully used or are even left dormant (睡眠).Being aware of latent (潜在的) talents will provide you with the incentive (激情) to keep working in face of difficulties and disappointments,because you will know for sure that you are doing the best for yourself and have the confidence that you can carry out what you set out to do.
At this point it would be useful to note the differences between occupation and profession.An occupation is employment,trade or business.It does not necessarily require great mental ability.It cares for people with standard basic education and enough skill to carry on work to satisfy the need of a society.Professional employment demands extensive college or university training and requires a strict and comprehensive (全面的) public examination.You should not attempt to enter a profession career unless you have above average intelligence and have determination to spend time for studies.

英语翻译Too often young people get themselves employment quite by accident,not knowing what lies ahead in the way of opportunity of promotion (提升) ,happiness and security (安全) .As a result,they are employed doing jobs that afford them lit

青年就业常常弄得自己很意外,不知道前面的道路有机会晋升、幸福和安全. 因此,他们是受雇从事工作,很少或没有给予满意. 我们面对这么多的毕业生竞争,但是却很少关心,只要他们能自食其力. 一些长期停留在以工作、学习喜欢,有些人从另外找一些适合他们. 年轻的大学毕业生找工作假期,推出了他们的期望薪水. 很少到外面的世界,了解自己想要的是什么,实现自己的能力. 在这种混乱的原因是,一直没有正当职业指导我们...


青年就业常常弄得自己很意外,不知道前面的道路有机会晋升、幸福和安全. 因此,他们是受雇从事工作,很少或没有给予满意. 我们面对这么多的毕业生竞争,但是却很少关心,只要他们能自食其力. 一些长期停留在以工作、学习喜欢,有些人从另外找一些适合他们. 年轻的大学毕业生找工作假期,推出了他们的期望薪水. 很少到外面的世界,了解自己想要的是什么,实现自己的能力. 在这种混乱的原因是,一直没有正当职业指导我们的教育机构. 在黑暗中摸索,几乎所有关心他们的主要工作是当他们要寻找自己的工资等. 他们却未想是否适合职位或更重要的是,他们是否适合工作.
有一份工作,不仅仅是为你和你的家属和一些钱,每天面包、休闲娱乐. 它开创了一个生活模式,在许多方面,决定社会生活中的地位,选择朋友、休闲和利益.
在选择职业你首先考虑的工种,适合你的兴趣. 更可悲的是没有什么比对工作,同时,你没有兴趣,因为这不仅使你渴望成功的生命也断送自己的才华,终于使大家的情绪,损害了人的痛苦. 还应考虑到各种能力. 商店太多人的能力和才智,甚至没有充分利用左冬眠. 看到潜在的人才会向你提供的诱因,使工作面临的困难和挫折, 因为你知道你做了最好的自己,有信心可以完成你想做什么.
此时不妨留意不同职业和行业. 就业是职业、贸易或生意. 它不一定需要有伟大的精神. 关心人,教育水平和基本技能进行工作,充分满足了社会需要. 需要大量专业大专就业培训和严格要求,全面公开考试. 不要试图进入职业生涯,除非你有决心和智慧高于平均花时间进行研究.


英语翻译they say young people visit museums less often and spend too much time on the Internet. often young Too young too too young too naive 英语翻译You are never too young to stant doing things. 英语翻译Too young to really be in love i often help my uncle to b____ his daughter.she′s too young 英语翻译Too often young people get themselves employment quite by accident,not knowing what lies ahead in the way of opportunity of promotion (提升) ,happiness and security (安全) .As a result,they are employed doing jobs that afford them lit 英语翻译Too often young people get themselves employment quite by accident,not knowing what lies ahead in the way of opportunity of promotion (提升) ,happiness and security (安全) .As a result,they are employed doing jobs that afford them lit 英语翻译I've imagined being lost from you too often To Young Too Love too young to go Too Much,Too Young,Too Fast 歌词 Too young,Too simple,Too naive;是什么意思 Too young,Too simple,Too naive;是什么意思 英语翻译urban rebel garments for the young and brave,never too young to fight for the right cause. 英语翻译It is natural that young people are often uncomfortable when they are with their parents.They say that theirparents don't understand them.They often think that their parents are out of touch with modern ways,that they are too serious and 英语翻译Not very often have we met But the music's been too bad Can only sense happiness if the music is sad So,I'm going home I must hurry home Where a life goes on We're too old to make a mess Dreams will keep me young Old enough to stress Only