That is why+句子 那是…的原因

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 15:50:12

That is why+句子 那是…的原因
That is why+句子 那是…的原因

That is why+句子 那是…的原因
the reason why +句子 is that句子 The reason why I like the car is that it is beautiful.我喜欢那辆车的原因是它好看.

that is why I am late.

That is why+句子 那是…的原因 【the reason is that +句子】 与 【the reason is why +句子】的区别? 关于the question is 后面的句子应该是 why did u do that 还是 why u did that. that is why and that is becausethat is why后面跟的是结果,译为:“那是(为什么).的原因” 例如:Tom overslept this morning.That is why he was late for work.汤姆今天早晨睡过头了.那是他上班迟到的原因.that is The reason why Talent Show is popular is that……句子分析, 连成句子;is,popular,why,travelling,that,is,by,car. It is why…和That is why… 的区别(说明+例子) that is why和 this is why用法的区别 why exactly is that special 这个句子的语法根据是什么呢? 用 the reason that 造两个句子! That is the reason that they are all against the plan.reason后的that为什么不能用why代替?(原句肯定对) That is why,This is why,It is why的区别 有关于“the reason(why+句子)is that”的句子(有关于定语从句的部分)急急急急! So why is that why is that? 这两个句子,哪个是对的,为什么,定语从句this is the reason that why .this is the reason why. 请教一个英语句子的对错 Maybe this is the reason that why lov请教一个英语句子的对错Maybe this is the reason that why love is beautiful.或许这就是爱之所以美丽的原因. the mummy is that of Shepenmut.能否替换成the mummy is of Shepenmut?原句中的that指代的是the mummy,即the mummy is the mummy of Shepenmut.那是不是the mummy is of Shepenmut呢?