"call the 如题,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 20:37:52

"call the 如题,
"call the

"call the 如题,
call the shots 控制事态,操纵
To call the shots也就是作最后决定、下命令.To call the shots的原来意思是:军官下令部队开枪.但是现在to call the shots已经在口语中常常出现.请听一个公司雇员在讲他公司里的事:
例句-1:"The three partners who own our company are supposed to have equal say in running it.But one of them,old Mister Johns,is the one who calls the shots and tells us what to do."
例句-2:"Some men in the office thought no woman could be strong enough to be boss.But a week after Miss Smith took charge,they learned she was going to call the shots and they'd better listen."


call the shots :
vi. 发号施令(指挥,操纵)