谁能给我写一篇冰雪公主的电影英文影评 字数300字即可,普通作文,感激不尽~

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/15 04:55:52

谁能给我写一篇冰雪公主的电影英文影评 字数300字即可,普通作文,感激不尽~
谁能给我写一篇冰雪公主的电影英文影评 字数300字即可,普通作文,感激不尽~

谁能给我写一篇冰雪公主的电影英文影评 字数300字即可,普通作文,感激不尽~
Casey Carlyle (Michelle Trachtenberg) anchors the production about a young, gifted woman of seventeen who is both athletic and intellectual. She has a conflict. Her mother, Mrs. Caryle (Joan Cusack), teaches in a local Connecticut college and is quite aware that her daughter is a physics geek with straight A's in a subject in which everyone I know was lucky to get C's. She has a chance to use her brain to get a full scholarship to Harvard, but her mother's dream is not Casey's. The personable, otherwise malleable Casey, is as excellent a figure skater as she is a budding physicist and wants to postpone her physics ambitions to train for the Olympics to be held in 2006. This conflict provides most of the tension in this G-rated movie, which has a targeted audience of girls between the ages of, say, ten to eighteen.
Despite the presumed audience for "Ice Princess," Fywell's feature, however formulaic, can find a paying crowd of people of any age and both genders, largely because the acting is so good and even more, because the characters are painted in shades of gray rather than black or white. No one in the story is all bad, and though there are no villains, each character is flawed.
Casey's problem is that she expends too much effort dealing with her conflict. Though she's about to graduate from high school, she's still a mama's girl, always on the verge of giving up her dream simply because her mother insists that there's but an eight-year shelf life for figure skaters. Mrs. Carlyle's weakness is that while she recognizes and applauds her daughter's accomplishments in science, she is so deaf to Casey's own wishes that she does not attend the young woman's training sessions and seems intent on ignoring Casey's performance in an all-important competition. Tina Harwood (Kim Cattrall), who is Casey's coach and a good one at that who insists that her students fall in line at the rink at 5:30 each morning, is at an opposite pole from Mrs. Carlyle. She pushes her own daughter, Gen (Hayden Panettiere), to practice compulsively on the rink, deaf to hints that the girl wants to be just a regular teen eager to chuck skating altogether. For her part Gen is at first hostile to Casey as both are training for the same sport but over the course of the story learns to appreciate her rival's talents and to become her best friend.
Most of us in the audience are presumably out of touch with the competitive world of ice skating, thinking that the ice is meant only for the use of sportsmen especially from Canada who enjoy pushing a puck along the field and getting into fights with their rivals. We not only become attuned to this world but see quite a few examples of the sport in action, as competitive skaters like Korean-American Tiffany (Jocelyn Lai), whose father (Paul Sun- Hyung Lee) works two jobs to further his girl's ambitions, do triples, deep bends, whirls and whatever else impresses the bench full of judges who score every second of each skater as though the sport were a matter of life and death.

谁能给我写一篇冰雪公主的电影英文影评 字数300字即可,普通作文,感激不尽~ 谁能帮我写一篇关于电影七宗罪的3000字的英文影评, 谁能给我电影谁有电影<音乐之声>(英文题目是)的英文影评?的英文影评? 推荐一部英文电影给我我们要写英文电影的影评,但是不能写课本上出现过的电影,如《肖声克的救赎》《泰坦尼克号》《狮子王》《公主日记》《律政俏佳人》《阿甘正传》《睡美人》等.请 谁能给我一篇盗梦空间的英文影评 200+词汇 附中文翻译 电影英文影评谁能帮我,给我一些关于这部英文影评的信息知识? 谁能给我《魂断蓝桥》的英文影评? 一篇英文电影影评,100字, 关于狮子王的英文影评相信大家都看过狮子王1,希望能有一篇影评可以给我参考~ 父女大不同《what a girl wants》的英文影评写一篇这部电影的英文影评,120字到150, 《公主日记》的英文影评 有人能帮忙写一篇影评吗?英文的 求一篇英文电影的影评要一篇英文电影的英文影评,讲青少年的生活一类的,最好影评能联系下人生,电影要著名一点 谁能给一篇 弗兰肯斯坦 又名科学怪人的英文影评,感激不尽急需啊 英文影评用英文写一篇电影影评字数100词以上 求一篇《澳大利亚》的英文影评求一篇电影《澳大利亚》的英文影评, 急需要一篇英文写的电影观后感,也就是影评,明天就交了, 冰雪奇缘的影评?能帮忙分析一下那部电影的镜头、色彩、方面,越快越好