what are the cause of sex discrimination各位大哥大姐姐们``帮帮我这个忙```我急需一篇以此为题的英语作文``

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 21:11:07

what are the cause of sex discrimination各位大哥大姐姐们``帮帮我这个忙```我急需一篇以此为题的英语作文``
what are the cause of sex discrimination

what are the cause of sex discrimination各位大哥大姐姐们``帮帮我这个忙```我急需一篇以此为题的英语作文``
A class-action lawsuit is a legal case brought by a group of people who seek to represent a much larger group. In two-thousand-one, six women brought a case against Wal-Mart Stores. They say the company pays female employees, on average, five to fifteen percent less than men for the same work. Treating employees differently based on their sex is an illegal form of discrimination.
Last week a federal judge in California ruled that the case can go forward as a class action. It could become the biggest sex-discrimination lawsuit in American history. It could involve as many as one-point-six million women employed by Wal-Mart now or in the past. These include the six who brought the case.
Wal-Mart is based in Bentonville, Arkansas. It is the largest private employer in the world. It has more than one-million employees. Wal-Mart sells all kinds of low-price goods in its stores. The company reported profits of nine-thousand-million dollars last year.
Wal-Mart says it has no policy of discrimination against women. It says decisions about jobs are usually made locally at its more than three-thousand stores across the country.
Women make up about two-thirds of all the Wal-Mart workers who are paid by the hour. But only about one-third of supervisors are women. And women represent just fourteen percent of the top officials in the company.
The percentage of women in top jobs is twenty points lower than the average of the twenty largest sellers in the country. Lawyers for the women presented these numbers based on information reported to the Department of Labor. Wal-Mart says women do not seek top positions as often as men.
Judge Martin Jenkins in San Francisco did not rule on the arguments in the case. Wal-Mart said his ruling simply showed that the judge believes the case meets the legal requirements for a class action. The company said it would appeal.
Wal-Mart argues that such a large class action is not fair. It says the court would need years to hear all the evidence. The company wants the right to answer claims individually.
If the case remains a class action, legal experts say pressure will build on Wal-Mart to reach a settlement. That could mean paying thousands of millions of dollars to current and former employees. But a settlement would avoid a trial, and the risk of having to pay even more.
This VOA Special English Economics Report was written by Mario Ritter. This is Bob Doughty.
class-action 共同起诉
lawsuit 诉讼(尤指非刑事案件)
Wal-Mart Store 沃尔玛仓储超市
discrimination 歧视
profit 利润
supervisor 监督人,管理人
percentage 百分率
appeal 上诉
settlement 解决
The Sex Discrimination
Makes it unlawful for an individual to be discriminated against in the workplace in relation to selection for a job, training, promotion, work practices, dismissal or any other disadvantage such as sexual harassment.
The Act outlaws discrimination in a number of other areas as well - education and the supply of goods and services. This booklet is solely concerned with employment. It is intended as a brief summary of the law in this area.
The Act applies to both men and women, and also covers discrimination on the grounds of marital status. However, generally it is women who are discriminated against and therefore for the purpose of this booklet we will assume that it is a women who has suffered the discrimination.
The Act does not require any qualifying period of employment. An employee is covered from the moment that they apply for a job. This protection continues throughout the period of employment, and may also cover the provision of references for a former employee after the employment has terminated. It covers not just employees but workers, agency workers and often also the self employed.
Discrimination is divided into two main categories, direct and indirect discrimination. Broadly, direct discrimination occurs where a person is treated differently on the grounds of their gender. Indirect discrimination is where an employer applies a requirement or policy, which though on the face of it has nothing to do with gender, in practice tends to effect one sex rather than another.



