哥伦布 discovered the America 哥伦布发现美洲 这话里还需要助动词吗discovered前面如果加 is 助动词是不是变成被动语太,但我觉的 哥伦布和 discovered之间缺点什么,请问怎么理解我总感觉N和实际 动

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 19:50:56

哥伦布 discovered the America 哥伦布发现美洲 这话里还需要助动词吗discovered前面如果加 is 助动词是不是变成被动语太,但我觉的 哥伦布和 discovered之间缺点什么,请问怎么理解我总感觉N和实际 动
哥伦布 discovered the America 哥伦布发现美洲 这话里还需要助动词吗
discovered前面如果加 is 助动词是不是变成被动语太,但我觉的 哥伦布和 discovered之间缺点什么,请问怎么理解
我总感觉N和实际 动词之间缺少点什么,到底是否缺少,还是我学太多糊涂了?

哥伦布 discovered the America 哥伦布发现美洲 这话里还需要助动词吗discovered前面如果加 is 助动词是不是变成被动语太,但我觉的 哥伦布和 discovered之间缺点什么,请问怎么理解我总感觉N和实际 动
This sentence is totally OK~take it easy,man~
Columbus做主语,没问题;discover为及物动词(vt.),且有主动时表“发现”之意,也没问题~若要做强调句式,可改为:Columbus did discover the America.加had表示过去完成,没有必要~has就更加不对了~

Columbus was the first_the new ContinetA to have discovered B to discover C discovering D having discovered为什么不是A,哥伦布发现了新大陆不是对现在有影响的吗? 哥伦布 discovered the America 哥伦布发现美洲 这话里还需要助动词吗discovered前面如果加 is 助动词是不是变成被动语太,但我觉的 哥伦布和 discovered之间缺点什么,请问怎么理解我总感觉N和实际 动 Gilbert _____ electricity,and Edison _____ the electric light.A.discovered;invented B.discovered;discovered C.invented;discovered D.invented;invented 说明原因 When the dolpin ( ) by sea ,it ( ) A discovered had killed B was discovered had been killedC discovered had been killed D was discovered had killed 为什么? When Columbus(哥伦布) discovered America,where did he stand? Recently.the scientists___in Xinjiang.A.discovered B.ciscover C.have discoverde D.has discovered discovered的意思discovered the truth [D88] So far nobody has claimed the money ______ in the library.A.discovered B.to be discovered C.discoveringD.having discovered 翻译并分析 Gilbert ___electricity,but Edison______ the electric light.a discovered foundb discovered invented c invented discoveredd uncovered invented The boss discovered him money from the till.The boss discovered him money from the till.A,steal,B,stealing C,to steal D,stole选哪个,为啥 Columbus discovered America in 1492.哥伦布于1492年发现了美洲大陆.Columbus discovered America in 1492.哥伦布于1492年发现了美洲大陆.为什么不是had discovered不是过去完成时吗? They discovered the cause of the fire accidentally.They discovered it_____(a)by chance (b)chancily (c)fortunately (d)luckily 见新概念二第53课多项选择题 The monument was built in honor of the explorer who was believed__the river.a.to have discovered b.to have been discovered c.to discover d.having been discovered能解释一下意思和为什么要选择这个答案吗? The Viking are believed _______America.A.to have discovered B.to discoverC.in discovering D.to have been discovered应该选择哪一个啊?为什么? By the year 2010,scientists probably______a cure for cancer.A.will be discoverringB.are discoveringC.will have discovered D.have discovered the Vikings are believed( )America.a.in discovering b.to discover c.to have discovered 英语翻译there was a general abort when the initial was discovered Who ( ) the camera?a.discovered b.found c.set up d.invented