求《strawberry wine》 ryan adams歌词翻译

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求《strawberry wine》 ryan adams歌词翻译
求《strawberry wine》 ryan adams歌词翻译

求《strawberry wine》 ryan adams歌词翻译
bryan adams我也很喜欢,听了下这首,没想到这么伤感,跟他平时的风格不大像.不过这首歌词确实有点伤感和沉重.
Last night in the street collapsed on itself昨天晚上街道突然坍塌(这段比较隐晦,应该就是喻指开始了狂欢而堕落的生活.这个歌词的大意也是,几个不同的人,沉迷在各自的享受中不能自拔而日渐堕落)
In fact,it broke right in two直接分成了两半
And I fell in我就掉进了地缝里
The strawberry vines
Into a pool of strawberry wine掉进了装满草莓酒的池塘的草莓藤上
Strawberry wine and clouds草莓酒和云朵
Burning in the desert,surrounded in flowers在沙漠里燃烧着 被鲜花围绕着
But the stems broke the armor但是草莓藤割破了盔甲
And the morning comes然后就到了清晨
Until its all just the same things again一切又都恢复正常了 道路也不再分裂开
Oh god,哦 上帝啊
Don't spend too much time on the other side不要花太多时间在地底的另一边(此处喻指‘糜烂颓废的享受和堕落’)
Let the daylight in,让阳光照进来
Before you get old and you cant break out of it别等到你老得出不来(喻指不要一直沉迷于那样的生活)
My old friend,我的老朋友啊
Cause its getting winter,and if you want any flowers因为寒冬已至,你若想要花朵
You gotta get your seeds in就得播种了
And I worry about you,why?because you want me to我为什么担心你呢?因为你想让我跟你一起去
Can you still have any famous last words你还有什么好的遗言么
If you're nobody somebody nobody knows,若你是个默默无名不为人知的小人物
I don't know我不知道
Somebody go and ask Clair有些人会去问克莱尔
She's been dead twenty years just look at her hair她已经呆呆地盯着自己的头发二十年了
Strawberry blonde with curls盯着她那头泛点金色的红卷发
She gets hair done then she gossips每天梳好了头发就开始跟酒吧的女侍应八卦
With the younger waitress girls at the bar
The old Irish rose这朵老去的爱尔兰玫瑰(喻指老去的克莱尔)
Drinking strawberry wine喝着草莓酒
Until it comes out her nose直到醉的酒都从她鼻子里流出来
She spent too much time on the other side,她就是在地底的另一边花费太多时间了啊
And she forgot to let the daylight in她忘了让阳光射进来 忘了逃出来
Before you get old you'd better break out of it可别等到老的跑不出来呀
My old friend,我的老朋友
Cause its getting winter and if you want any flowers因为寒冬已至 你若想要花朵
You gotta get your seeds in to the ground,就得播种子入大地
And I worry about you,我为何担心你
Why because you want me too因为你想让我跟你一起啊
This fella downtown,he jumped off a bridge有个来自市区的小伙子 从桥上跳下去了
He was angry about a letter he received from his friend因为朋友的来信惹恼了他
He fell in
To the arms of the most beautiful girls他掉进了那些有史以来世上最美的女子的怀抱里
That have ever lived in the history of the world
And with nothing left to lose he got screwed他一无所有 他受尽欺凌
He sold his apartment before they made him move在大家逼他搬走之前他卖掉了自己的房子
Then he jumped straight in然后就直直的跳进了旧金山的海湾
To the san Francisco bay
Now he lives on Molly's farm现在他住在茉莉的农场
Picking berries all day每天采摘草莓
Don't spend too much time on the other side不要在地底的另一边浪费太多时间
Let the daylight in别忘了让阳光照进来
Marty was a kid when he learned steal boats马迪学会偷船的时候 还只是个孩子
His dad was a deejay on the radio他有一个做DJ的爸爸
He fell in可他沉迷于偷船的犯罪生涯
To a life
Of riverboat crime
Now has the man you see in prison现在好了 进来监狱
If you want strawberry wine你要是想要草莓酒
Strawberry wine and smokes想要草莓酒和烟卷
He sent a letter to his friend他就会给他的朋友写信
Explaining one night on coke告诉他们在那个可卡因的夜晚
He and Clair他跟克莱尔
Jumped in to the strawberry vines掉进了草莓藤里
And lord knows you get lost上帝知道
On that strawberry wine他迷失在了草莓酒池
Don't spend too much time on the other side,不要在地底的另一边花费太多时间呀
Let the daylight in记得让日光照进来
And imp getting old and I gotta break out of i我日渐衰老
My old friend,我的老朋友啊
Cause its getting winter and if I want any flowers因为寒冬已至,我若想要花朵
I gotta get those seeds in to the ground,我就得把种子播种给大地
And if you worry about me如果你担心我
Don't bother就别再挂念
Ill be fine因为我会好好的
Imp just sitting here laughing我会好好的坐在这
Little old me and my一个小老头跟我的草莓酒
Strawberry wine坐在这大笑着