Terra-cotta Figures咋读?

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Terra-cotta Figures咋读?
Terra-cotta Figures咋读?

Terra-cotta Figures咋读?
terra-cotta figures:兵马俑
terra-cotta ['terə'kɔtə]
figures ['figəs] 人物(figure的复数)

兵马俑(Terracotta Army; Terra-cotta Figures; soldier and horse figures)是古代墓葬雕塑的一个类别。古代实行人殉,奴隶是奴隶主生前的附属品,奴隶主

兵马俑吗? “特若可他 飞哥儿” terra-cotta ['terə'kɔtə]

Terra-cotta Figures咋读? terra cotta Terra Cotta Solders RT Terra - Cotta Warriors Terra - Cotta Warriors 是不是兵马俑的意思? the Terra Cotta Worriors的意思 the Terra-cotta Warriors 怎么读?音标也可以. Qin Shihuang's Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses中文是什么 terra cotta warriors is a place ofi_【一个I开头的单词】 Bing ma yong or the museum Terra Cotta warriors and Horses is near 是什么意 China 's first underwater museum of terra cotta warriors is in____,Jiangsu Province. terra 请问,terra cotta ,hunter green ,speckled beige & granite 其中hunter green ,speckled beige & granite 可能是三种颜色 请问ceramic,porcelain,stoneware在陶瓷中有什么区别?还有pottery,terra-cotta有什么区别? 写一篇60字左右的初二英语短文.参观秦始皇兵马俑的游记.提示词:emperor qin's terra cotta warriors 用所给词的正确形式填空 ⒈people —(build)the Terra cotta Warriors a long time ago.⒉Peter can用所给词的正确形式填空⒈people —(build)the Terra cotta Warriors a long time ago.⒉Peter can't wait —(ride)his bicy figures “兵马俑是世界第八大奇迹”用英语怎么说可不可以这样说啊:The terra cotta warriors is the eighth world wonder晕...怎么说的都不一样 到底听谁的 求几篇中国著名景点的英语短文,每篇要求80-100字1.The humble administrate garden拙政园2.the terra-cotta warriors秦始皇兵马俑3.the potala palace布达拉宫4.苏堤春晓