有关情态动词---You didn’t come to the party yesterday?---_______ I’m not a party animal.A.How can I have B.How would I have C.Why should I have D.Why must I have 为什么选C不选D

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 13:25:06

有关情态动词---You didn’t come to the party yesterday?---_______ I’m not a party animal.A.How can I have B.How would I have C.Why should I have D.Why must I have 为什么选C不选D
---You didn’t come to the party yesterday?
---_______ I’m not a party animal.
A.How can I have B.How would I have
C.Why should I have D.Why must I have 为什么选C不选D

有关情态动词---You didn’t come to the party yesterday?---_______ I’m not a party animal.A.How can I have B.How would I have C.Why should I have D.Why must I have 为什么选C不选D
1)楼主要注意答语中的have,其实它和前面的情态动词构成“情态动词 + have done sth”结构,而且done sth = gone to the party,因为问句中已经出现这一短语,所以直接省略.
2)should have = should have gone to the party “本应该去参加这个晚会”;
must have = must have gone to the party “一定参加了这个晚会”.

Why must I have 很生硬 这里讨论的是因不应该的问题 用should回答 是一种很强烈的反问语气

表示为什么我要去呢?从后面说话者的语气可以看出他不想去,must i have没有这种结构,其实should在这里语气也比较强烈了

有关情态动词虚拟语气等——You didn't wait for Mr.Black last night,did you?——No,but we_.He didn't return home at all.A.couldn't have B.needn't haveC.didn't need to D.should have wait说出选项并讲的详细一些,我就是不太 英语情态动词单选题、求解释、1.——You didn‘t wait for Mr. Smith last night, did you?——No, but we ______. He didn‘t return home at all.A. couldn‘t have waited B. needn’t haveC. didn‘t need to D. sho can't是不是情态动词 有关情态动词---You didn’t come to the party yesterday?---_______ I’m not a party animal.A.How can I have B.How would I have C.Why should I have D.Why must I have 为什么选C不选D must用法:you must be a writer,______?You must be a writer,______?A.mustn't you B.aren't you?为什么是B和情态动词没关系?You need not do it,need you?这和情态动词有关那must 怎么就没关系我知道mustn't是不允许,这题并 一道英语单选题 情态动词—Did you tell her the bad news?—Yes,but I'd rather _____.A.not.B.not have c.didn't.D.hadn't 应该选哪一个,为什么 used not do和didn't used to do有什么区别前者是做情态动词吗? 高一英语情态动词题:请问我的答案didn’t have to do可以吗? 英语情态动词填空A:Tom,you didn't hand in your homework .Why?B:Sorry ,Miss Wang.I(can't) find it.A:It (may) be in your desk.B:No.I looked for is everywhere,but I didn't find it.It (may) be at home.(Must ) I hand it in today?A:No,you (needn't). 有关情态动词的被动语态 - ()i go back before supper?-no,i don't think you()用助动词.情态动词填空 情态动词考察Could you put me through to 3362541?Oh,you ____ the exchange.You ____the number direct.A.needn't have called;could have dialed B.didn't have to call;could dial C.needn't call ;would dial D.don't have to;would have dialed这题为什 有关情态动词的一道题there wasn't anyone on the nightclub door so we_ proof of our age.A didn't need to show B needn't have shownC couldn't show D mustn't show为什么选A而不是B?有什么区别? 情态动词can't的用法 情态动词can't 的习惯表达? You need some help with your math,_____________ you?A.aren’t B.needn’t C.don’t D.mustn’t ,need 怎么看是实义动词还是情态动词 《情态动词》 1.you __ finish the wash-up,i could have done it.A.needn't B.didn't have to B】(why?) 2.there __problems with traffic at that time of the evening.A.needn't be B.shouldn't be A】(why?怎 么翻译?) 3.If you __ take a seat he used to work deep at night,____ ______?A.didn't he B.usedn't he 另外,used to 是情态动词吗?