
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 17:01:14


强调句,固定句型.如果填when的话,后面的句子当作定语修饰three week’s later,翻译出来意思不对.填It is……that的话,去掉It is和that整个句子依然完整,区分这两个的话,最好用翻译去做,因为从语法上来讲都是正确的


你好,it is...that...是强调句型,是固定用法哦

高一英语引导词,请问为什么填that不填when 英语解释为什么用in which that 不填 which 初三英语定语从句一题求助That old lady _____ we want to visit is a famous engineer.这里的横线上应该填什么引导词?为什么?翻译一下句子. 高一英语 强调句式1. It is(was)+被强调的部分+that+原句其它部分 为什么有时候 没有 that ..2. that‘s the house _____ the famous film star lives . 为什么填 where 不填 that 两个问题没有关 英语从句 one of the men held the view()the book said was right中间填that what 为什么不能用that which ,the book said 后面不是缺少宾语吗?which不是可以引导物吗? Being blind is something _________ most people can't imagine.A.who B.what C.that D.whom (为什么填that?,我们老师说如果引导词修饰的是不定代词的话则不能用that啊) 请问大家一道高一的英语练习题时态及词性变化:All that must be done__________(do).空格内填的词数不限. 高一英语填单词Grey still i________ that he had done nothing wrong. Despite ______ he has done,his good nature is enough for his popularity.请问空格填什么词引导?为什么? 上个学期谁教你们英语?Was ________Mr white请问填he it that哪一个?为什么 Music is something that everybody likes.为什么填that 不填which 非限制性定语从句引导词为什么不能用that that 能引导什么句子?I hate ___when people telephone me ai midnight .空里可填that吗?为什么可以 为什么不可以?填 i t 额,这类知识不太懂 马上要期末了, 高一英语,填介词 最后一题 It's ten years ago ____ I came to this town.这里填的是that.请问为什么不填before? The brochure says that what you do is (entire) up to you.请问问号处为什么要填entirely而不填entiring? 一道英语关于定语从句引导词的问题I will never forget the days ____ I spent with my friend.( )A 不填 B when C what为什么? 在英语填空中什么时候填that什么时候填what?