heads or tails 为什么是复数?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 16:16:49

heads or tails 为什么是复数?
heads or tails 为什么是复数?

heads or tails 为什么是复数?
1) 与 "dregs,thanks and remains" 名词一样都用复数;
2) 英格兰自1684年都使用 " heads or tails" ; 理由很简单:过去几百年的英国,硬币的人头有很多个.


笨蛋, 因为是两个吗

因为两个词本身都是可数名词啊。。要不就说a head or a tail

heads or tails 为什么是复数? Heads Or Tails 歌词 请问heads and tails 是什么? can't make heads or tails of it 中文翻译是什么?中文可翻译成什么意思? 英语翻译I want to go to the science museum,but I have been lost for the past few hours,and I can't make heads or tails of these tickets machines.请翻译其中的“make heads or tails”是什么意思, heads,shoulders歌中heads 为什么是复数heads 为什么是复数 Head or tails 是什么意思 when I read the telegram, I just couldn't make heads or tails out of it.head or tail是啥意思, 整句话是啥意思 we flip 3 coins-- you win $1 if there are 2 heads or all tails; otherwise you lose $1is this game fair?不是英文翻译 不过1L p61 heads or 英语翻译If a tossed coin comes up 'heads',ten times in a row,is it more or less likely to show 'tails' on the next throw?If you think it must be tails,you are falling for the gambler's fallacy,the idea that sequences of results are connected.And 英语翻译Ten little ducklingsTen little ducklings,Swimming here and there.Heads are in the water,Tails are in the air. Six without heads,nine without tails and eight in halfDo you konw how many fishes has San Mao got? 北大ACM DescriptionSnoopy has three coins.One day he tossed them on a table then and tried to flip some of them so that they had either all heads or all tails facing up.After several attempts,he found that regardless of the initial configuration of The Dragon Boat FestivalThere are b___ races in mang places of china.the boat are l____ and have colourful d____ heads and tails. 排列组合 Flipping a fair coinFlipping a fair coin.Assume that the coin is flipped 7 times.What is the probability that both heads and tails occur?Thank you~ They have no legs or arms,but they have big tails. 让我们来投币决定吧.可以说 let's go head or tails 或怎么说才好谢谢啊.