选择:_____ is five multiplied by five?A.How manyB.WhatC.How muchD.both B and C

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 18:38:42

选择:_____ is five multiplied by five?A.How manyB.WhatC.How muchD.both B and C
选择:_____ is five multiplied by five?
A.How many
C.How much
D.both B and C

选择:_____ is five multiplied by five?A.How manyB.WhatC.How muchD.both B and C
C.How much


B. What

比如one and two is three(1加2等于3)
问的时候就要问what is one and two?

B. What


What可以表示询问数值啊,how much修饰的是不可数名词~~~

how much

选择:_____ is five multiplied by five?A.How manyB.WhatC.How muchD.both B and C how old is the boy?_____(five) and today is his ______(five )birthday 同义句转换He is five years old._____ ______ is five. The _____(five) day of the week is thursday Twenty plus fifteen _____(is / has) thirty-five选词 December the _____(twenty-five) is Christmas Day. That music CD is five yuan.(提问)____ _____ _____ that music CD _____ Sixty and Sixty-five _____ one hundred ________ twenty-five.是不是填 is和and 六年级英语选择.( ).1.He is _____A.in Five row B.Row Five C.in Row Five That boy is ___.Today is his __birthday.选择A.five,five.B.fifth,fifth.C.five,fifth.D.fifth,five the boy is five years old.=he is _____ _____boy.同义句转换,不是he is five boy.快 The wall is___.It is a____wall.选择A.five meter long;five metres long B five- meters long;;five-metre long C fivemeters long;five-meter-long D five-meter long;five-metres-long 里面的哪个 The little boy is only _____ A.five year old B.five-year-oldC.five-years-old D.five old填选项里的 The cinema is about _____ from here.A.five kilometers away B.five kilometer C.five kilometers off D.five kilometers far 单项选择.We should learn _____ you.A、to B、with C、fromAlice's shoes _____ yellow.A、is B、are C、amThe _____ month of a year is June.A、five B、fifth C、sixthI‘d like some _____ and fish for lunch.A、tofu B、tomato C、potato five meter,five meters,five meters' 选择哪个?The hole is____ deep.It is dangerous.We should put a sign.five meter five meters five meters' 三个答案应该选哪个?为什么? 英语单项选择一题 Wei Wei is __________.Wei Wei is __________.A.five-year-old boy B.a five years boy C.five years old There are five children in the class.(改为同义句) ____ _____ ______children in the room is five.