
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 11:35:41


D: Cinderella F:father L:Cinderella’s mother S: Kyle J: Kyle’s mother
Section 1:
(Long long ago, there is a little girl who doesn’t have confidence in herself. Forturenately, she has a smart father who loves her deeply. So the father spare no efforts to help his little girl to build the confidence. On that day, while the girl is playing piano with her father in the room, a handsome boy is walking along the street outside the window. As the girl saw him, she played wrong and the music stopped suddenly.)
F:Spring is coming!
D:Dad!You know, I don’t like spring as it just remind me of something…..(若有所思状)
F:Oh, no, my pretty girl! Your mother and I are so proud of you. All your teachers have told us that you are just about the brightest and the most talented.
D:Dad , I just have a high score in the annual spelling bee.
F:Isn’t that wonderful? And you plays the piano like an angel. An absolute angel.
D:But he even doesn’t know me.(自言自语)
F: well, (先是愣了一下,然后恍然大悟)do you know , jia and I work together ?
D: You mean , Kyle’s mother?
F: Now then, as I was saying . I know that you wish Kyle would invite you to the senior prom.
D:mDad?! Did you hear what I was telling to mother?
F:Yes, but the point is you don’t have the confidence. isn’t it?
D:Well, Dad, you always know better. I don’t know what to do.
At the moment, mother comes into the room with some delicious dessert.
L: My dear Cinderella, have a break and taste some dessert. Oh, maybe I interrupt you two. I’m sorry.
F: It doesn’t matter. Let’s do something to help our little girl to build the confidence.
L: I see. I know an effective way and let me try.
Mirror,mirror. Tell me who is the most beautiful woman in the world?(画外音.It’s snow white.) (father 在一旁偷笑)
D: It’s an honest mirror. ( Yes, I’m the most honest mirror in the world)
L:Well, I can explain it. It wants to keep me safe. Snow white is a jealous girl. If she knows the truth that I am the most beautiful woman in the world , she will kill me. So why not keep it a secret?
D: If so , let me try it again. Mirror,mirror. Tell me who is the most pretty man in the world?(画外音.It’s you.父亲得意地笑)
L: Well, there must be something wrong with the pretty mirror. (Sorry, I’m sick today)
D:Why not the mirror help me? Maybe I can’t build my confidence. It’s a zhaoyaojing.
L: Well, it’s none of my business. I try my best but…..(father:很无奈地看着她) ok,ok,I should leave to prepare the dinner. (mother leaves)
F:Don’t worry. The mirror is not the only way out.
D:Ok, I try once again.
F: Now, come here , sit down, and stare at this. Follow me and say what I’m telling to you.
F:I am a bright star on the stage of life.
D:I am a bright star on the stage of life.
F: My skirt makes me more beautiful.
D: My skirt makes me more beautiful.
F: I will meet a prince coming on a white horse.
D: I will meet a prince coming on a white horse.
F: The most important – I have a great father.
D: But not better than mother. However, that’s amazing ! I feel better now.
F:Excellent!It makes some difference.Then, plan B.
Section 2:
(Do you want to know what plan B is? Do you really want to know what it is? Let me tell you the secret. One day , the father stood at the cross to wait Kyle’s mother. When she come, he just found there are a large number of plastic bags being filled with food in her hands.)
F:What a coincidence to meet you here.
J: yeah. Oh,my god.
F: I think you need help.
J: Thank you very much. I just want to cook some delicious food for my son meanwhile the supermarket is reducing price so I can’t help buying a large quantities of food.
F: yeah, I know. And it’s a sunny day, isn’t it?
J: Yes, it is. If we always have the weather like today , our life will be comfortable.
L: Hi! What are you doing here?
J: Hi! Nice to meet you. We are just talking about the weather.
F: And I can predict it will be sunny on Saturday.So,why not let your handsome boy and our cute girl come outdoors to enjoy themselves?
J:Sounds great, but the weather forecast says it will be rainy on Saturday.
F: Great? That’s great! What a smart father(pointing to himself).
L: Yes, you are a dear.So, let's be frank and put our cards on the table.
J: Sure. That’s what I thought. Go ahead!
L: Well…..We just want to convey my daughter’s interests in your son. You know, she is such a wonderful girl.
F: Now her smart dad is here. If you say yes , I’m still here. Otherwise I will disappear right away.
J: Eh…. I mean we can skip this and think about their future.
S: What? My future?
J: enhn?
S: aha?
J: Well, nothing serious. You know, they are Cinderella’s parents. We are plan to give you a chance to have a good time on weekend.
S: That sounds good. I like weekends. But mum, I must go now because I have an appointment with my football teammates.
J: Take care of yourself!
S: Yes, madam! Hehe…..and good-bye, uncle and aunt!
F&L: Bye!
J: Oh! Thanks goodness! Can we go on then?
F: Sure! Suppose that we put their IQ together. Their children’s IQ will be …..125 and 125 that will be 250!
J: Yeah, and if we put their beauty together---the nose of Zhaobo ,the eyes of Zhaobo ,the mouth of Zhaobo .their children will be thousands of Zhaobo!
L: if we put their height together, their child will be higher than Yaoming….(interrupt)
J:How time flies! It’s time for the TV show Feichengwurao. We need to go home now. By the way, they make the appointment on Saturday, right?
F: Yes, Saturday .that’s the deal. Bye.
J & S: bye-bye!
F: That’s what I can do for our pretty girl.
L: I know. ( 两人边说边离场)
Section 3:
(How time flies! Saturday is coming. )
S:and ….the weather today is ungelivable.Why it’s rainy?
D:because my father….
S : I see.next time if your fahter tell you tomorrow is sunny ,don’t forget to take the umbrella.
D :yeah, my father knows better. (小声说)
S: Well, let’s have a drink in the café instead.
S: waiter?
W: Yes, sir. What can I do for you?
S:One latte.
W: One cappuccino.
S:Ladies first,
W: 还是你先吧
S: Well.Let's have some music to 缓解一下气氛吧
Waiter,could you give some light music.
W:OK.(音乐起:《歌剧2》) 博 和 姜姐 舞蹈
W:What are you doing?
S&D: We are acting dolphin.
D:有你这么演海豚的吗?Like this?(学他俩的动作)
W:OK,OK.That's enough.
W:Oh,well,Thank you.我不怕烫.
D:==|| (暴汗)
(waiter 下)
S:Ok, let's go on our talk,well, I have heard that you are good at playing piano. It must makes you like an angel.
D: Do you think so? But I really can’t agree with you. Just so-so.
S: Yes, I’m sure. When I once passed your house, I have heard you playing piano and that sounds pretty good!
D: Which day?
S: On Monday morning.
D: But on that day, I played wrong.
S: It doesn’t matter. You are still excellent. By the way, would you like to go to the senior prom with me as my dancing partner?
D: Really? Of course I’d like to.
S: And only be a dancing partner?
D: Yeah, what’s up?
S: (长吁一口气) Nothing, nothing….. My mother told me that your father had said you had fallen in love with me which surprised me.
D: What? Oh, my lady Gaga. Maybe there are some misunderstandings between us. My father is always doing such stupid thing that ends up really embarrassing me. But that’s dear old dad. Actually, he is a dear. He just doesn’t stop to think. Though sometimes I feel the heavy hand of interference, I still love him.
S: Haha…. I know, I know. Father knows better!