As one of Isaac Bashevis Singer's characters puts it ."the whole point of Jewishnes is isolation"求翻译!好象Isaac Bashevis Singer是一名作家,写过些剧本和小说.还有Jewishnes是犹太人的意思.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 23:48:08

As one of Isaac Bashevis Singer's characters puts it ."the whole point of Jewishnes is isolation"求翻译!好象Isaac Bashevis Singer是一名作家,写过些剧本和小说.还有Jewishnes是犹太人的意思.
As one of Isaac Bashevis Singer's characters puts it ."the whole point of Jewishnes is isolation"
好象Isaac Bashevis Singer是一名作家,写过些剧本和小说.还有Jewishnes是犹太人的意思.

As one of Isaac Bashevis Singer's characters puts it ."the whole point of Jewishnes is isolation"求翻译!好象Isaac Bashevis Singer是一名作家,写过些剧本和小说.还有Jewishnes是犹太人的意思.
As one of Isaac Bashevis Singer's characters puts it ."the whole point of Jewishness is isolation"
正如 艾萨克·巴什维斯·辛格 所表现出的性格特征之一,犹太人的主要特点是“孤立性”.

Isaac Bashevis Singer


艾萨克·巴什维斯·辛格(Isaac Bashevis Singer,19O4-1991)美国作家。出生于沙俄统治下的波兰,祖父与父亲都是犹太教的长老。他从小接受正统犹太教...


Isaac Bashevis Singer


艾萨克·巴什维斯·辛格(Isaac Bashevis Singer,19O4-1991)美国作家。出生于沙俄统治下的波兰,祖父与父亲都是犹太教的长老。他从小接受正统犹太教教育,学习希伯来文和意第绪文,熟悉犹太教的经典和宗教仪式以及犹太民族的风俗习惯等,这一切都铸就了他作品的重要特色。
辛格15岁开始文学创作。迄今为止已创作30余部作品,全都用意第绪文写成,大部分已译成英文。长篇小说《莫斯卡特一家》(195o)、《庄园》(1967)和《农庄》(1969)等主要写在现代文明和排犹主义双重压力下,波兰犹太社会的解体过程,其中《庄园》是这类作品的代表作。另一类小说主要写爱情与宗教问题,主要作品有《撒旦在戈雷》(1955)、《卢布林的魔术师》(196o)、《奴隶》(1962)、《仇敌;一个爱情故事 )(1972)和《童爱)(1979)等。其中最著名的是《卢布林的魔术师》,西方评论家说它是辛格最佳的长篇小说。
辛格的短篇小说创作也很突出,至今已发表I0余部短篇小说集,重要的有《傻瓜吉姆佩尔及其他故事》(1957)、《市场街的斯宾诺莎》(1961)、《羽毛的王冠》(1973)、《短篇小说集》(1982)、《意象集》(1985)、《梅休塞拉赫之死及其他故事》(1988)等。此外还有 2个剧本、 3部回忆录。11部儿童故事集。 1978年,由于“他的充满激情的叙事艺术,这种艺术既扎根于波兰犹太人的文化传统,又反映了人类的普遍处境”,辛格获诺贝尔文学奖。


As one of Isaac Bashevis Singer's characters puts it .the whole point of Jewishnes is isolation求翻译!好象Isaac Bashevis Singer是一名作家,写过些剧本和小说.还有Jewishnes是犹太人的意思. 英语翻译Curtis Mayfield was one of the key figures of 60s and 70s soul and funk music:in the same ballpark of influence as Sly Stone,Isaac Hayes and Smokey Robinson.As a singer he had a distinctive falsetto style; as a songwriter he was at the fo 英语翻译Sir Isaac Newton,mathematician and physicist,is one of the foremost scientific intellects of all time.He was born in Woolsthorpe near Grantham in Lincolnshire,where he attented school,He entered Cambridge University in 1669.He was elected take him as one of our As one of my friends says which includes understanding of oneself as one really is分析结构,as one really is 是什么 英语翻译英语必修7第二单元第二个课文A biography of isaac asimov 的翻译 高二英语选修七第二单元 A BLOGRAPHY OF ISAAC ASIMOV 的英语原文 英语翻译Can Mr Obama continue to bash the insurers one day and rely on them the next? Tom is one of the people who as they are How canada changed as a result of world war one? I am lucky as I am one of the hosts. I count you as one of my friends. As one of the world’s oldest industries as ever as one one can 英语翻译Violin prodigies (神童),I learned,have come in distinct waves from distinct regions.Most of the great performers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries were born and brought up in Russia and Eastern Europe.I asked Isaac Stern,one of 英语翻译Today,we honor Ben Franklin as one of our Founding Fathers and as one of America's greatest citizens.