
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 16:25:30


时量:120分钟 总分:120分
I. 找出划线部分读音与其它三个不同的选项:(每题1分,共5分)
( )1. A. whose B. hello C. zero D. over
( )2. A. book B. good C. foot D. room
( )3. A. yes B. nose C. sit D. bus
( )4. A. where B. there C. here D. chair
( )5. A. Japanese B. parrot C. woman D. man
II. 找出不属于同一范畴的选项:(每题1分,共5分)
( )1. A. English B. China C. Japanese D. American
( )2. A. bike B. car C. bus D. cow
( )3. A. yours B. mine C. our D. theirs
( )4. A. picture B. salesgirl C. friend D. student
( )5. A. coat B. pen C. cap D. skirt
III. 英汉互译:(每题1分,共10分)
1. on the floor ______ 2. look after ______
3. in black ____________ 4. over there _______
5. by the way _______ 6. 看上去像__________
7. 没有,用完 _______ 8.去购物_______
9. 追求,追逐____________ 10. 在树下_____________
IV. 根据要求写单词:(每题1分,共10分)
1. same(反义词)__________ 2. right(反义词)__________
3. long(反义词)____________ 4. new(反义词)__________
5. bus(复数)___________ 6. pencil –box (复数)________
7. toy (复数)___________ 8. foot (复数)___________
9. Jim (所有格)___________ 10. I am (缩略词)________________
V. 选择填空:(每题1分,共20分)
1. Thanks______ the photo______ your family.
A. of; for B. of; of C. for; of D. for; for
2. —Are those your color pencils? —Yes,____________.
A. those are B. they are
C. it is D. there are
3. I have_______ orange. _______orange is on______ desk.
A. a;A;a B. an;An;the
C. an;The;the D. the; An; a
4. This is not______ coat. ______is red.
A. Kate’s;Hers B. Kate’s;hers
C. Kate;Hers D. Kate’s; her
5. —Can you see the picture? —Sorry,______________.
A. I don’t B. I am not C. I’m not D. I can’t
6. He’s tall_______ a thin face.
A. has B. have C. in D. with
7. Please write down the number 365 in English.
A. Three hundreds and sixty-five
B. Three hundred and sixty-five
C. Three hundred sixty-five
D. Three hundred and sixty five
8. —____________________—I’m eleven.
A. How do you do?
B. How are you?
C. How old are you?
D. What’s your name?
9. Today we have two new students. Please___________________.
A. look after them
B. look them after
C. look after her
D. look after him
10. —Is she at work or at home? —_____________________.
A. Yes, she is B. No, she isn’t
C. She’s over there D. She’s at home
11. Color the desk_______, please.
A. a red B. red C. red one D. red color
12. —What’s your________ ? —It’s 76545666.
A. name B. ate C. phone D. family
13. These are Mary’s shoes. Give them to_______.
A. she B. her C. hers D. it
14. The boy_______ the yellow sweater is my brother.
A. in B. of C. on D. to
15. The caps on sale_______ orange.
A. is B. is an C. are D. are an
16. —___________________do you have? —Twenty.
A. How much pens B. How many pens
C. What color D. What about pens
17. ________! There are some nice_____ _____the tree.
A. Look; apples; in B. Look; apple; in
C. Look; apples; on D. See; apples; on
18. It’s late. I must_____________ now.
A. go home B. go to home C. go school D. go to there
19. —Thank you very much. —__________________.
A. That is right B. Yes, all right
C. That’s all right D. Don’t thank me
20. —How many___________ do you want? —Two cups, please.
A. cups tea B. cup of tea C. cups of teas D. cups of tea
VI. 根据要求完成句子:(每空1分,共10分)
1. Do you have a big mouth? (变否定回答)
No, I ________.
2. May I have your name? (改为同义句)
________ ________ name?
3. She is my friend. (对划线部分提问)
________ friend is ________?
4. The black bike is his. (改为复数)
The black _______ _______ _______.
5. Open the door, please. (改为否定句)
_________ ________ the door, please.
VII. 补全对话,每空只能填写一个词:(每空1分,共10分)
( J—Jim; H—Ham Meimei; G—Miss Gao)
H: Hello, Jim. 1 are you?
J: Hi, Meimei. I’m fine. 2 .
H: What 3 the time?
J: Let 4 see. It’s five o’clock. Where is 5 watch?
H: I 6 find it. Can you see it?
J: Sorry, I can’t.
G: Whose is this 7 ?
J: Miss Gao, I think 8 Han Meimei’s.
G: Meimei,is it 9 ?
H: Oh,yes,it’s mine.
G: You must 10 after your watch.
H: Thank you, Miss Gao.
VIII. 完型填空:(每题1分,共10分)
_____1_____five o’clock in the afternoon. School is over. ___2___the school gate. Li Ping___3___Zhang Hong. They are not in the same class.
Li Ping: 4 , Zhang Hong. I’m going home . Are you 5 , too ?
Zhang Hong: No, I’m not going home. I’m going to Wei Fang’s home.
Li Ping: What’s wrong 6 her ?
Zhang Hong: She is ill. She doesn’t come to school today. I must go_____7____help her___8____her___9___ .
Li Ping: Oh, I see. Good-bye.
Zhang Hong: 10 .
Notes: ill 生病的 see 明白
1. A. it B. They C. It D. It’s
2. A. At B. In C. On D. Out
3. A. welcomes B. meets C. watches D. looks
4. A. Good morning B. Good evening C. Good afternoon D. Good-bye
5. A. going home B. go home C. getting home D. get home
6. A. for B. to C. in D. with
7. A. to B. for C. in D. with
8. A. for B. to C. in D. with
9. A. meal B. drink C. lessons D. games
10. A. I’m glad to see you B. Nice to meet you
C. Goodbye D. I’m at home
IX. 阅读理(每题2分,共20分)
My name is Jane. I’m from (来自于) the USA. I’m thirteen. I’m in No. 2 Middle School. My father is a worker (工人) and my mother is a worker, too. They are in the same factory (工厂). My brother’s name is Jack. He is fifteen. He is in No. 2 Middle School, too. But we are not in the same grade. He is in Grade Three and I’m in GradeTwo.
( )1. Jane is an English girl.
( )2. Her father is a doctor and her mother is a worker.
( )3. Her brother is fifteen.
( )4. Jack is in No. 1 Middle School.
( )5. Jack is in Grade Two.
My name is Linda. I’m in Class 4, Grade 2. I’m in Row 3. Kate is my friend. She is in my class, too. She is in Row 1. My father has a beautiful car. The number is 0479685. And her father has a beautiful car, too. The number is 0—double 4—7--double 9—5. She often drives the car to my home. We are good friends. We are both fifteen.
1. What is Linda?
A. She is Kate’s good friend. B. She has a beautiful car.
C. She is a girl. D. She is an English girl.
2. What row is Linda in?
A. She is in Row 4. B. She is in Row 2.
C. She is in Row 1. D. She is in Row 3.
3. What is the number of Kate’s father’s car?
A. It’s 0478685. B. It’s 03214312.
C. It’s 203214312. D. It’s 0447995.
4. How old is Linda?
A. She is fifteen. B. Sorry, I don’t know
C. She is five. D. She is twelve.
5. What’s number of Linda’s father’s car?
A. It’s zero, three , two, one, four, three, one, two.
B. It’s zero, six, four, two, eight, six, two, four.
C. It’s zero, four, seven, nine, six, eight, five.
D. It’s zero, two, three, four, one, three, one, two.
IIV. 书面表达:根据以下四个ID卡情况写一段话,开头已经给出,词数50字左右.(共20分)
Li Bin
Li Ling
Sun Liping
Zhao Qiang
ice cream
Li Bin, Li Ling, Sun Liping and Zhao Qiang are my friends.
I. 1——5 ADBCC
II. 1——5 BDCAB
III. 1. 在地板上 2. 照顾,照看 3. 穿黑衣服
4. 在那边 5. 顺便说(问) 6. look like
7. be out of 8. go shopping 9. run after 10. under the tree
IV. 1. different 2. wrong 3. short 4. old 5. buses
6. pencil-boxes 7. toys 8. feet 9. Jim’s 10. I’m
V. 1——5 CBCAD 6——10 DBCAD
11——15 BCBAC 16——20 BCACD
VI. 1. haven’t 2. What’s your 3. Whose she
4. bikes are theirs 5. Don’t open
VII. 1. How 2. Thanks 3. is 4. me 5. your
6. can’t 7. watch 8. it’s 9. yours 10. look
VIII. 1——5 DABCA 6——10 DADCC
IX. (A)1. B 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. B
(B)1——5 ADDAC
IIV. Li Bin, Li Ling, Sun Liping and Zhao Qiang are my friends. Li Bin is 13 years old and he is in Class 2. He likes football. Li Ling, Sun Liping and Zhao Qiang are all 12 years old. Sun Liping and Zhao Qiang are both in Class 3. Li Ling likes singing. Sun Liping likes dacing and Zhao Qiang likes ice cream

初一上英语期中考试卷【模拟试题】(答题时间:60分钟)一. 用括号里词的适当形式完成句子(本题共6题,每题1分,共6分)1. This is ________ book. (I)2. ________ is a boy. (his)3. These are English ________. (number)4. She is in ________ One. (grade)5. What ___...


初一上英语期中考试卷【模拟试题】(答题时间:60分钟)一. 用括号里词的适当形式完成句子(本题共6题,每题1分,共6分)1. This is ________ book. (I)2. ________ is a boy. (his)3. These are English ________. (number)4. She is in ________ One. (grade)5. What ________ three and four?(be)6. These _____ are green (绿色) (pencil-box)二. 用方框内所给的词语填空(共7题,每题1分,共7分)1. ______ name is Ann.2. Are these ______?3. ______ is Jim's bike?4. A: Is this ______ picture?B: No, it isn't my picture.5. ______ is my pencil-box?6. A: Are those jeeps? B: Yes, ______ are.7. I have a ______ .______name is Jim Green.三. 翻译下列词组(共8题,每题1分,共8分)1. 一位英语老师 an English teacher________2. 一个秘密 _______3. 哪个班 ________4. 劳驾 _Excuse_______5. 用英语 _In_______6. 见到你很高兴 ________7. 坐下! ________8. 早上好! ________四. 就划线部分提问(即改为特殊疑问句,共5题,每题1分,共5分)1. My name is Li Hong.__________________?2. Tom is eleven.__________________?3. That is an English book.__________________?4. Jim and Mike are in Class Three.__________________?5. Li Ming is at home.__________________?五. 补全对话(共1题,每空1分,共10分)A : Excuse me! 1 you Wang Ping?1. ______B : 2 , I'm not. I'm L Lei.2. ______A : What class are you 3 ?3. ______B : I'm in 4 4, Grade 1.4. ______A: Are you in 5 2?5. ______B : Yes, I 6 .6. ______A: 7 8 are you?7. ______B : I 9 twelve.8. ______A : 10 one and two?9. ______B : It's three.10. ______六. 将下列句子译成英文:(共6题,每题2分,共12分)1. 我在一年级5班。 ________2. 你多大了?我12岁。 ________3. 你在哪个班? ________4. 他也在第二排。 ________5. 你是李明吗? ________6. 吉姆在哪?对不起,我不知道。 ________【试题答案】一. 1. my 2. He 3. numbers4. Grade 5. is 6. pencil-boxes二. 1. Her 2. English books 3. What number 4. your5. Where 6. they 7. friend 8. His三. 1. an English teacher2. a secret3. What class4. Excuse me5. in English6. Nice to meet you7. Sit down8. Good morning!四. 1. What's your name2. How old is Tom3. What's that4. What class are Jim and Mike in5. Where is Li Ming五. 1. Are 2. No 3. in 4. Class 5. Row6. am 7. How 8. old 9. am 10. What's六. 1. I'm in Class Five, Grade One.2. How old are you? I'm twelve.3. What class are you in?4. He is in Row Two, too.5. Are you Li Ming?6. Where is Jim? Sorry, I don't know.
